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No Outfit Changing | Custom LotTrait & Traits  

Upload: 03 Apr 2022, 15:21
Created by: littlemssam [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
No Outfit Changing | Custom LotTrait & Traits

Sims will not change Clothes with these Traits or Lot Trait

A few Months ago i already wanted to make a Mod which stops Sims from autonomously change into Outfits but back then i thought i had to overwrite all the Interaction Files where the Change Outfit Code is in. Now inspired by Wicked Whims i looked into this again and found an easier way to make it work.


No Outfit Changing | Lot Trait


Active Household Sims on a Lot with this Lot Trait will not Change into Athletic, Everday, Formal, Party, Sleepwear and Swimwear Clothes.


No Outfit Changing | Traits


Sims with these Traits will never Change into the specific Outfit no matter where they are (active Sims & NPCs):

  • traits.equip_trait NoneAthletic
  • traits.equip_trait NoneEveryday
  • traits.equip_trait NoneFormal
  • traits.equip_trait NoneParty
  • traits.equip_trait NoneSleepwear
  • traits.equip_trait NoneSwimwear

To remove the Traits “traits.remove_trait NoneAthletic”… instead of equip.

Dress Code Lot Trait Mod Info:

I am currently working on an Update for my Dress Code LotTrait to make it compatible with this. Until then both Mods will not work together. Your Active Household Sims will not Change into the Dress Code Outfit.

Available Languages:
English (default),
German by me
Chinese by hi007097, 
French by lorraine5530/ Caradriel
Russian by KissaLopa,
Spanish by almamia
Simplified Chinese by Licer
Polish by Sarah Wolf

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