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Bus Upon A Time – Travel Mod  

Upload: 15 Apr 2023, 13:22
Created by: Ravasheen [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Bus Upon A Time – Travel Mod

This is a completely stand alone mini mod that adds tons of travelling interactions! Note: some travel options are limited to specific packs (see below for more details).

•• ━━━━━ Main Features ━━━━━ ••

  • travel to regular AND all of the hidden/secret lots
  • charges your sim for travelling to lots
  • lets you invite sims to the current lot in bulk
  • purchase a bus pass to enable these travel interactions from your sim or inventory even on un-editable lots

•• ━━━━━ Objects ━━━━━ ••

This mini mod comes with three objects: a bus pass, stand alone sign, and a wall mounted sign.
You can access all travel options from either of the signs in addition to purchasing a bus pass.
If your sim purchases a Bus Pass for $250, they will then receive a 50% discount for traveling and will also have all options of this mini-mod available by:

  • clicking on your sim
  • through the bus pass in their inventory
  • other world items such as community boards

•• ━━━━━ Traveling Costs ━━━━━ ••

  • Normal Lots: $5
  • Hidden/Secret Lots: $10
  • Go Home: $2

•• ━━━━━ Inviting Sims ━━━━━ ••

I know you can invite sims to a lot through the phone, but using the ‘Bus Upon a Time’ items lets you invite invite up to 8 sims at once (instead of one at a time through the phone).
If you want to bypass work/sleep/etc. restrictions you can shift + click to invite sims without these restrictions.

Reading Custom Preference

Reading Custom Preference

25 Jul 2023

This preference mod was a request and once I saw that request, I wondered how in the world this was not an already available base game preference feature?!? I mean, when you think of major hobbies, reading is right up there as the topmost loved or hated hobby amongst so many!

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