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The Depricated Mailbox (As Functional Mailbox and animated!)  

Upload: 06 May 2023, 09:54
Created by: Qorry_Nezt [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
The Depricated Mailbox (As Functional Mailbox and animated!)

I've seen someone made this mod before but it causes some error in my game such as the game doesn't detect that I have an active mailbox on lot while also the mod that I've seen before doesn't support animation and the mailbox doesn't display correctly.

So I decided to create my very first object mod! The functional depricated mailbox! This mod doesn't override the original mailbox that EA had (In order to avoid error). This is a new mesh modified mod that allows the mailbox to have a lid and its duty as a mailbox! It appears on appliances, misc. But if you're too lazy (like me) simply type depricated and the mailbox should show up without any problem.

In case you would like to find it, it's under appliances, misc. The price is 0 (it's mailbox after all)
It comes in 7 recolors but you can add more on your own if you like!

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10 Jul 2022

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