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Off-the-Grid Interactions FIX  

Upload: 07 May 2023, 17:38
Created by: BrickLion [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Off-the-Grid Interactions FIX

It doesn't make sense to me that TrendiSocial BunnyPlopsyVideo callsadvertisements for roommates and some orders on the computer don't require an internet connection/power to work while Off-the-Grid and when there is no power on the lot.

Now if you have the challenge on or you don't pay the bills and power shuts off, those interactions will not work.

Functional Mill Version 1.0 10 MB

Functional Mill Version 1.0

02 Apr 2022
1 294

Now a functional mill will appear in your game, with which you can produce products such as wheat flour, rice, sugar, cookie mix, butter, cream cheese and cream. In addition, you will be able to pack your fruits and vegetables into boxes and sell in bulk!

Necromania Reward Trait 25 КB

Necromania Reward Trait

06 May 2022
1 185

This reward trait replaces the various sad buffs generated by deaths with positive emotion buffs. It also adds a happy buff whenever your sim is near the Grim Reaper. This trait can be purchased from the rewards store for 2000 aspiration points.

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