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Meatwalls for All  

Upload: 09 May 2023, 04:23
Created by: Tralfaz482 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Meatwalls for All

New for 3-19-2023 Confirmed working for the 1.96.365.1030 patch.

The Eco Lifestyle pack has a vertical garden object that allows you to grow plants in small spaces.

Locked behind the Civil Design career is the ability to convert the vertical garden to grow a plant-based meat alternative. This mod makes the meat wall available to anyone.

Now everyone can enjoy having their own Meatwall! Just remember to take care of it.

Townie Overhaul Less Fame

Townie Overhaul Less Fame

23 Mar 2022
3 223

With this mod, celebrities will no longer invade all lots in your neighbourhoods. The mod also reduces the generation of new townies significantly. The only Sims that will be generated are those with special traits or careers required.

Beautiful Garden + Lovely Florist Mod

Beautiful Garden + Lovely Florist Mod

02 May 2022
1 355

Have you ever noticed that despite the fact that floristry is a great hobby, the plants themselves and the finished compositions leave much to be desired? Now your Sims can create truly beautiful flower arrangements, each vase is unique and will give your creations a whole new look.

Criminal Career Fix

Criminal Career Fix

22 Mar 2022
1 145

Tweaks the criminal career to make it easier to detect a criminal. The criminal can now be identified by special idle animations he/she performs. Also, no more hidden decoy Sims will be created that lead to false convictions (and afterwards fill your save with unneeded, ugly Sims).

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