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Autonomous Go Steady and Propose  

Upload: 08 Apr 2022, 05:40
Created by: Zero [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Autonomous Go Steady and Propose

Allow sims to autonomously ask to be boyfriend/girlfriend and propose to other sims they have a romantic relationship with. They'll ask only if they have a close, adoring, enamoured sentiment for the other sim. The interaction can either be accepted or refused, if you refuse nothing happens, the other sim will go in cooldown and eventually, will be able to ask again later. If you accept the normal success outcome will play and the two sims will be in relationship or engaged.

Unflirty and Non Committal will never ask autonomously. 

Requires the XML Injector

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1 004

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Farkboi Trait

24 Jun 2022
1 131

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