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Better Autonomous Homework  

Upload: 08 Apr 2022, 19:05
Created by: littlemssam [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Better Autonomous Homework

Within the Homework xmls Autonom is set on true but my kids never do their Homework autonomously for whatever reason. So i made this little tuning mod to change that.

A, B and C Students should make their Homework autonomously now. You should still check if they did their Homework in the evening because sometimes they’re still too lazy

D and E Students still need to be told to do their homework though.

Optional Addons

Faster Homework

The higher Career Level the Kid/Teen is the faster they’ll finish their Homework:

  • Level A 100% faster
  • Level B 75% faster
  • Level C 50% faster
  • Level D 25% faster

Homework In Inventory

Since Kids often let their Homework lay around it will “transfered” into the Sims Inventory with this Addon. Should work for Children, Teens & Uni Students. Can be used as a Standalone as well.

NPCs Only at Home

NPCs will only do their Homework autonomously when they are at Home

More Spell is Fun 2 MB Outdated

More Spell is Fun

14 May 2022
1 144

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Unlocked Vehicles Mod (by Nando) 19 MB

Unlocked Vehicles Mod (by Nando)

29 May 2022
1 819

This mod enabled all the world vehicles that came with the recent updates. Good news: Most of them require only the base game. The only exceptions are the golf cart and the trailer (they require Get Famous).

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