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No Sick, Dirty, Sad and Hungry Cats & Dogs (NPCs)  

Upload: 08 Apr 2022, 19:34
Created by: littlemssam [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
No Sick, Dirty, Sad and Hungry Cats & Dogs (NPCs)

This Mod should prevent sick, dirty, sad & hungry Pets walking around

Like the Title says this Mod should prevent sick, dirty, sad & hungry Pets walking around. It can happen that they get covered in Dirt after they spawned. For now i will leave it like that because it seems realistic.

It adds a Loot to Strays & Pets which deletes all relavant Sickness/Dirtiness Buffs and fills almost all Motives when Pets spawn.

This does not affect Patients at Vets. Those get a special Loot which deletes just a few of those Dirty Buffs and keeps the ones that belong to Sicknesses. It also fills the Hunger, Attention & Bladder/Bowel Motives.

Added a new Interaction under the Pet Care Pie Menu to “Treat Pet” which will heal your Pet (added this because my dog did not get fully healed after visiting the Vet and i had no new Option to treat them/go to the Vet)

NPCs Pets and Players owned Pets are also affected by this Mod. Motives will fill up when loading a Lot for owned Pets since it seems to be a problem that needs go down too fast when switching Households when playing with several Households.

Optional Addons

Disable Fill up Needs for owned Pets
When loading a Household the Part of the Mod which fills up all Needs will be disabled

Disable Decay Prevenger Buff for owned Pets
When loading a Household the Part of the Mod which adds a hidden Buff which decreases the Decay of Needs will be disabled

Lower Chance (25%) of Sick owned Pets when loading Households
When loading a Household or switching Households some ppl have Issues with owned Pets being sick way too often. This should lowers the Chance of Sick Pets to 25%.

Brittpinkiesims Mods Reviving

Brittpinkiesims Mods Reviving

05 Jul 2022
1 244

Brittany (kwown as Brittpinkiesims) was one of the most talented modder, as well as one of my best Simmer friends and had guided me in terms of modding. It's sad that she's on hiatus (and probably never coming back).

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