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The Coven Collection: Midnight Edition  

Upload: 05 Nov 2023, 09:17
Created by: greenllamas [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
The Coven Collection: Midnight Edition

I have always had a love-hate relationship with this collection because it is technically the og greenllamas collection, but the quality of the items was dogshite so I always cringed every time I remembered that people are still downloading it. So, I decided to fix up as a Halloween gift from me to you, featuring two new items, reworked meshes and textures and assortment of new Vivienne Westwood inspired plaids.

  • 3 Hairs
  • 2 Tops
  • 1 Bottom
  • 1 Fullbody
  • 1 Pair of shoes
Talavera Pop - Set 624 MB

Talavera Pop - Set

06 May 2022
1 714

It was epic to work with so many details designs images saturdays and sundays glued to the cpu but I think it has been worth it you will realize in the new forms of texture that I am managing in metals and woods it has a STYLIZED - HANDSTYLIZED style

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