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Jaw Preset Pack  

Upload: 27 Jun 2022, 08:03
Created by: hi-land [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Jaw Preset Pack


  • 8 jaw presets
  • teen-elder & unisex
  • this is my first time making and putting out facial presets so bare with me! the presets are in order from left to right and some of them are more subtle than others
  • they are mostly not edited from what the preset puts but its different for all sims anyway
  • i dont remember exactly what i changed for all of them but i made some with higher cheek bones, very indented cheeks, sharper jawlines, dimples on the sides of the mouth, added some muscular jaws, stuff like that
  • some of the skins maybe have contoured the faces just a little bit but for the most part, those lines come up no matter what skin you have on
  • custom thumbnails are basically the bottom half of everyones face (yes ik the thumbnails look like theyre for the lips lol)
  • presets are found at the top (for me at least) of the jaw section in cas
Presets & Sliders 103 KB

Presets & Sliders

13 Apr 2022
1 388

Introducing custom sliders and presets for The Sims 4! This began mainly as an experiment, testing out countless iterations of MorphMaker, developed by the ingenious CmarNYC, and the results of my experimentation turned out to be quite useful to release!

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