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Star Wars Save v2.2  

Upload: 21 Apr 2022, 16:45
Last updated: 21-04-2022, 17:34
Created by: soaplagoon [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Version: 2.2
Star Wars Save v2.2

Are you already bored with regular saves? How about a save in the Star Wars universe? Now all cities will become different planets with their own style of buildings and alien species inhabiting them. This is where you'll find the adventures and space friends you've been dreaming of!

- All cities have been changed to match a specific Star Wars planet.
- A total of 245 new sites are available, both residential and public;
- Characters other than the original ones from EA have been changed to alien creatures. There are 205 of them in total;
- Added 12 new clubs (3 of them private) to diversify the gameplay;
- And also there are 11 new seasonal holidays to fill every season with new, colorful festivities;
- Requires all expansions, kits and catalogs.
-  SS materials included in the archive!

The save has been updated to the latest version and now requires the Country Living game pack. This time, a new world has been redesigned dedicated to Lothal - one of the planets of the Outer Rim, which also houses the Capital City.

- There are 12 new lots: national park, residential tiny house, nightclub, rental house, museum and 7 residential buildings.
- Most of the previously created lots have been reworked and improved. Some lot properties have also been added.
- 15 new townspeople have been added, including the Tolstopyatko family.
- Fixed non-playable townspeople - some of them were displayed bald. This has been fixed with the new update!
- Requires all expansion packs, packs, and stuff packs, except for the Dream Interior Playset and any packs.

You wanted to play with this save, but the trouble is, all the plots, families and just all the names are in English? Do not despair, now everything will be in Russian! And you will be able to enjoy the names we are used to and the names from the Russian localization of "Star Wars". Now the canonical stories of families will become clear without a translator and hassle with a dictionary. Your character can try to play tricks with the emperor or unleash a war that will be remembered for generations to come. Or, if your character just wants adventure, they can choose to take the dark side in the Sith Temple or stay on the light side in the Jedi Temple. May the Force be with you! You can download the save in Russian from the link below.

Lots: 92 Residential; 8 Tiny Home Residential; 1 Haunted Residential; 25 Apartments; 15 Rental (Residential); 9 Rental (Destination); 8 University Housing; 2 University Commons; 5 Parks; 4 National Parks; 2 Beaches; 3 Community Spaces; 5 Libraries; 1 Museum; 1 Arts Center; 3 Retail; 4 Restaurants; 1 Vet Clinic; 3 Spa; 2 Onsen; 7 Gym; 2 Pools; 3 Cafes; 12 Bars; 2 Karaoke Bars; 9 Nightclubs; 2 Lounges; 8 Other; 6 Secret Lots/Worlds; 245 Total
Sims: All EAXIS Originals, 8 Force Ghosts, 1 Dog (Chewbacca), 4 Cantina Musicians, 8 Jawas, 8 Stormtroopers, The Emperor, & More! (~205 Total)
Clubs: 3 Private Clubs; 9 Public Clubs; 12 Total
Holidays: 2 Spring; 3 Summer; 3 Fall; 3 Winter; 11 Total

Installation: C:\Users\Home\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\saves


Voidfeather Mirialan Tattoos
Voidfeather Zabrak Tattoos
The Bookshelf from This Set



NEW! V2.2 Update for My Wedding Stories!

  • Updated for the latest patch and packs! Includes Khuiumin IV / Courkrus (Tartosa) and two wedding venues (hopefully EA fixes the pack soon!)
  • The NPCs have been updated to include neighborhood stories! Not all NPCs have neighborhood stories enabled though.
  • The Crumplebottom NPCs are fixed (again, lol). Fixed a couple other small issues with other NPCs
  • Evicted some households and changed a few lot types, so there should be more available residential lots in worlds that really needed them!
  • Fixed routing issues at “Little Batuu Outpost” in Takodana (Willow Creek)
  • Renovated “Qui-Gon Outlook” in Takodana (Willow Creek)
  • Fixed some minor naming issues with some lots
  • Probably some other minor changes I have forgot about!
Plumbaleena's DisneyBrook Save File 673 MB

Plumbaleena's DisneyBrook Save File

02 May 2022
1 839

I have turned Glimmerbrook into a Disney haven. Filled with Aurora’s cottage, Snow White and the Seven [Gnome] Dwarf Cottage, The White Rabbit’s House with its very own Tea Party, Rapunzel’s Tower and last but not least, Gaston’s Tavern.

Saving by Afevina 131,7 МБ

Saving by Afevina

17 Apr 2022
1 831

All families living in towns are movie/tv series/cartoon/animated characters. All lots replaced in all towns including Hanford-on-Bagley and vacation worlds (except Batuu), many residential and community lots, rented dwellings.

Srslys Blank Save 5.0 MB

Srslys Blank Save

08 Aug 2022
2 008

I keep getting asks about the blank world that I use. So I figured I would package it all up and share it with all of you! I created this save mostly for Challenges and Build projects.

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