No New Random Townie Generated
Since Npcc broken and I don't know how fix paulson script mod. But I made mod for stop the game spawn new random townie from community lot job, neighbourhood stories, or from career.
Since Npcc broken and I don't know how fix paulson script mod. But I made mod for stop the game spawn new random townie from community lot job, neighbourhood stories, or from career.
Finally, I'm making VR goggles mod. Sim will gain fun while use this object, adult and kids can use this object and receive energized buff after they done using vr goggles.
Want to add a little personality to your character? What about walking style? Agree, because the gaming ones are already rather fed up and you want to bring something new to the game ?! What if your character is supposed to limp? Or walking fast?
With the "Cottage Living" patch, kids can cook with an adult Sim, but they don't cook fully, only at the counter. So many people are asking for this mod back.
Imagine - your character enters the store, chooses the item he likes, goes to the checkout, pays for the purchase and ... Leaves empty-handed!
I update this mod like fix kids animation always clipping like their feet into the ground, Also I remove kids can use workout machine and rock climbing because, I think it really danger for kids.
Someone request to me for convert this mini oven long time. Finally, I convert it to sims 4 now. Your kids sim can make 9 flavor cupcake with like.
Did you think why sims 4 kids can't paint, but sims 3 kids can paint, I made this mod since 2019 but always fail like interaction never show up for kids. But finally, I found tuning for make sims 4 kids can painting now. I hope you like.
Finally I can convert romantic interaction from sims 3 to sims 4 with animation. There 24 romantic interaction from sims 3 like.
Did you miss ice cream truck in sims 4. Here, I'm making ice cream truck because I really miss it. You sim can ride that truck or purchase some ice cream. Hope you like.
This mod make your sims can do activity like cooking, garden, spell, exercise, and more. Since the game give seperate gameplay for kids sims.
Want your sims rich easy. Ok, using this slot machine and earn some simoleons. But not so fast because this slot machine have 4 difficulty like: - Begineer (cost §500) if your sim win, they gain §5000 simoleons. This option have %60 change of win.