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Errands Tweak

Errands Tweak

06 Nov 2022

I got sick of searching the pie menus for the errand interactions so I moved them all to a new pie menu called "Errands". The pie menu uses the errand icon and should automatically show up in the correct language because I repurposed some in game strings.

Pets as Flower Pals

Pets as Flower Pals

06 Nov 2022
1 225

There has been an incompleted tuning in the game that allows you to choose pets as flower pals. For some reason it was set as a debug interaction. I enabled it for normal gameplay.

Parenthood Tweaks

Parenthood Tweaks

06 Nov 2022
1 245

Allows you to ground toddlers and adds sentiments that the children can get from being grounded. An optional addon adds the functionality to ground children via the parenthood board.

School Tweaks

School Tweaks

06 Nov 2022
2 149

Locker Overhaul Improves the lockers from the Highschool Years EP by giving them an inventory and adding some new interactions to them.

Graveyard Mod v1.51

Graveyard Mod v1.51

18 Jun 2022
2 205

With this mod installed you can find a new venue type "Graveyard" in build mode. This venue is special and will change during the night time. During the day is a calm place to remember the Sims you lost and spend some time reminiscing their life.

Lot Property - Haunted Locations 2 KB

Lot Property - Haunted Locations

16 Jun 2022

This property has been exported from the new lot type, which is responsible for gameplay functionality. The property does not override the original lot type and if, for example, you want spirits to appear in apartments, you can implement this in the game using this mod.

Parenting Tweaks

Parenting Tweaks

12 Jun 2022
1 193

Sometimes it happens that in your house children behave badly, do not obey, play pranks. Punish them - but they are not your children, and nothing can be done about their behavior!