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Panthera (Adult Club) 450.12 KB

Panthera (Adult Club)

04 Sep 2022
11 512

Panthera is a 30x30 lot designed for the Wicked Whims strip club system, featuring a functional stage with a pole, an abundance of dance spots throughout the club, rooms for private dances, a bubble hookah that can be turned into a real one if you have Basemental Drugs, and a couple of rooms that

Wild Side Art Prints 675.29 kB

Wild Side Art Prints

04 Sep 2022
2 194

The art is all painted by me for this cc, albeit heavily referenced from existing photos. I can potentially add more colors if people want them. I may also add more designs in the future but those are more work-intensive and not open to requests.

Natural Werewolf Eyes (Default Replacer) 225.0 KB

Natural Werewolf Eyes (Default Replacer)

17 Aug 2022
1 458

A Maxis match default replacer for werewolves that gives them a more realistic range of colors, a more consistently wolfy look with all dark sclera, and adds hazel, dark grey, and more natural shades of blue and green. I also re-ordered the swatches to be slightly more intuitive.