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Child Life Specialist Career

Child Life Specialist Career

11 Jul 2022
1 315

Unfortunately, diseases do not bypass children and it can be difficult for them to cope with this, because they are still very young and are afraid, like their parents, who are worried about them. But you have the opportunity to help them with their new career "Children's Health

Ultimate Nursing Career

Ultimate Nursing Career

25 Jun 2022
1 156

Nursing is a health care profession focused on caring for individuals, families, and communities so that they can achieve, maintain, or restore optimal health and quality of life. Simply put, nurses save lives.

Storytelling Career Mega Pack

Storytelling Career Mega Pack

24 Jun 2022
2 710

Have you ever had a story planned for your characters but couldn't find the perfect, paying, yet easy-to-reach career for them? After all, all careers have difficult tasks to advance, and the salary is good only at the last levels. The author has made a bunch of one-level careers!

Veterinary Technician Career 1 MB

Veterinary Technician Career

17 Jun 2022

Has your character always dreamed of working with animals, treating them, caring for them, and just socializing? Then this job is for you! Of course, there is already an open career from EA, but if you don’t want to run to work with a character.