RSM - Puddles Mopping Tweaks
Sims will mop Puddles autonomously only when those are inside (have a Roof above them) and are not on natural ground. Vomit Puddles will still be mopped everywhere though.
Sims will mop Puddles autonomously only when those are inside (have a Roof above them) and are not on natural ground. Vomit Puddles will still be mopped everywhere though.
This Mod let's Sims choose a Raincoat, which they'll wear autonomously when it is raining and they are outside. It will protect them from getting wet, and they won't need an Umbrella anymore. They will get a random Moodlet, when wearing one of the Raincoats.
For whatever unknown reason, Plants revert back to Dirt Piles very often. Even EA can't seem to find the reason for that happening, so this Fix is a workaround.
Sims are just too slow to go to Class and end up being too late often so with this Mod they get a hidden Buff which let's them run a bit faster to Class. The Buff last 25 Minutes which should be long enough.
Famous Sims will get Followers without the need to do something (because they are famous :P). They will get a Notification after spawning to let them know how many Followers they got. This has a hidden Cooldown of 24hrs.
Sims wearing Cold Clothes will change into Everyday Clothes when back inside. It affects Residential Lots as well as Community Lots but it only affects Community Lots that has the new Lot Trait "Change Into Everyday" added.
There are three different Speed Options for Chefs at Restaurants. Quick has 1 cooking state. Normal has 3 and Careful has 5. I changed it to Quick 1, Normal 2 and Careful 3. I also changed some of the Cooking (Pan/Pot/CuttingBoard) Interactions to be faster. Added a Fix so Chefs won’t get stuck
When the Birds Feeder Animation is on there is a 5% Chance every 10 minutes that Feather Piles will appear around it.
Some Interactions where blocked when using Earbuds which are now working (for example Jogging)
Added Plopsy Options to the following Objects (so far): At Woodworking Table crafted Instruments; At Robotics Workstation crafted Utili-Bots, Chatter Bots, RC Quadcopter.
Adds the Option for Retail to Plant Decorations you can knit, so these are sellable as well in Retail Shops
Enabled the hidden Lot Traits and adds their features as hidden Buffs instead of the original visible Tiny Home Buffs so you can use them on other Lots as well.
Going to School is already hard enough, so i changed the Days of After School Activites to once per Week instead of 2-3 times per Week.
Going to School is already hard enough, so i changed the Days of After School Activites to once per Week instead of 2-3 times per Week.
Going to School is already hard enough, so i changed the Days of After School Activites to once per Week instead of 2-3 times per Week.
Going to School is already hard enough, so i changed the Days of After School Activites to once per Week instead of 2-3 times per Week.
This mod adds this feature to residential and all other object types. Sims will also wear a towel for about 30 minutes before switching back to regular clothes.
This is a set of playing cards without a table glued to its bottomside, so that sims can play cards on the tables they already have.