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RSM (Nifty Knitting) - More Plopsy Objects  

Upload: 25 Mar 2023, 11:41
Created by: LittleMsSam [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro

Added Plopsy Options to the following Objects (so far): At Woodworking Table crafted Instruments; At Robotics Workstation crafted Utili-Bots, Chatter Bots, RC Quadcopter. Collectibles: Crystals, Metal, Fossils, Frogs, My Sims, Elements, Insects, Aliens, City Life Poster, City Life Snowglobes, Snowy Escape Gachapons, Artifacts.

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Baby Life Mod 29 KB

Baby Life Mod

15 May 2022
1 903

This is another mod that expands the social possibilities of the characters. With it, they will be able to talk about topics related to babies and toddlers.

The minimum comment length is 10 characters.