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RSM (Nifty Knitting) - More Plopsy Objects  

Upload: 25 Mar 2023, 11:41
Created by: LittleMsSam [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro

Added Plopsy Options to the following Objects (so far): At Woodworking Table crafted Instruments; At Robotics Workstation crafted Utili-Bots, Chatter Bots, RC Quadcopter. Collectibles: Crystals, Metal, Fossils, Frogs, My Sims, Elements, Insects, Aliens, City Life Poster, City Life Snowglobes, Snowy Escape Gachapons, Artifacts.

Requires the XML Injector

Custom Bar Drinks 290.2 KB

Custom Bar Drinks

20 Apr 2022
1 481

This mod uses a script to add 9 custom drinks to the Professional Bars. Buy Custom Drinks (The sim would not walk up to the bar to buy the custom drinks.A menu will open which will allow the sim to purchase drinks similar to the 'Purchase Toys' interaction.The drink will be found in your inventory

Skeleton Bloodlines

Skeleton Bloodlines

28 Apr 2023

Though it is a fleeting state, the joys of Skeleton-hood are a tale of legend for Simkind, at least judging by the amount of ways in which Sims can temporarily turn themselves into Skeletons.

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