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City Living Headwrap Hair Colour Enabler 4.58 MB

City Living Headwrap Hair Colour Enabler

07 May 2023

We all know the City Living headwraps that lock your Sims into having very dark brown hair, right? Well, thanks to how the new headscarf hat that came with Growing Together works I was able to create these default replacements that now allow them to correctly display your Sims' actual hair colour!

No Free Snacks 89.4 KB

No Free Snacks

21 Mar 2023

Quick Meals are no longer free, coolers now have lactose free options, the Acai Bowl no longer requires Cooking skill level 2, there's an optional file to enable seeing the price of Toddler food when using the Grab Food/Drink For... interactions.

Thin Book Tuning Fix 62.2 KB

Thin Book Tuning Fix

21 Mar 2023
1 073

This fix came about after I looked into making some magazines for my Sims to read, seeing as how popular they seem to be as of late. I couldn't understand why the Spa workers could hold and read the Spa magazines without issue but when regular Sims tried, they would handle the book as if it was a

Perfect Patio Open Layered Shirt Fix

Perfect Patio Open Layered Shirt Fix

17 Aug 2022

When Perfect Patio first released there were no issues with this asset but somewhere along the line The Sims Team chose to update the alpha mask of the textures in a way which meant that the shirt colour now bleeds onto the Sim's neck.

Zephyr Floating Counter 716.0 KB

Zephyr Floating Counter

27 Jul 2022
1 480

A new counter to adorn your kitchens and bathrooms with! Not just any old counter though; these ones float! Well, near enough. This set of "floating" counters is designed to fit seamlessly with the Harbinger counters from the base game and can also be used on their own.

Plan Career Outfit

Plan Career Outfit

07 Jul 2022
1 166

This mod will add a new career outfit interaction plan to all mirrors, chests of drawers and collection cabinets. It will also be added to any other object that already has the Change Sim interaction, so this means it will automatically work for custom content creation as well.