Instant Upgrade Objects
This mod adds an 'Instant Upgrade' interaction, and you can instantly upgrade the objects can be upgraded.
This mod adds an 'Instant Upgrade' interaction, and you can instantly upgrade the objects can be upgraded.
Hey, have you read the stories of the NPCs? Maybe you've noticed something. The game story tells us that some of the sims know each other, but in reality, they are strangers, for example, Vatore family and Vlad.
Sometimes I may forget whose plasma my vampire sims like. This mod adds a relationship bit as a mark. If a vampire sim likes a sim's plasma, they will leave a mark on the sim.
This is a simple mod to makes the adoptive parent-adopted child relationship visible.
Two new interactions 'Shave All Hair' and 'Shave All Hair to Preferred Length' are here! You can click on the shower and select to shave all the hair at once (Facial Hair, Back Hair, Arm Hair, Leg Hair, and Chest Hair), it will save you time.
How about having a character in your family who spends all his money on gambling in online casinos? How realistic is that! The family earns by overwork, and he quietly grinds, I make bet after bet in anticipation of a big win.
A new online shopping app! A new interaction added to Household category of the mobile. Now your sims can use their own mobile to shop online - anywhere. (There is phone service in the area only.)