High School Years Arch Wall Height Fix
An override for the Arch Deco from High School Years Pack. It does not mark the item as CC and the HSY is required for this to work (well, otherwise this mod doesn't have any sense).
An override for the Arch Deco from High School Years Pack. It does not mark the item as CC and the HSY is required for this to work (well, otherwise this mod doesn't have any sense).
This mod will take off all the clutter from your counters so you'll need to place it again! The recent update can also affect appliance slots so be careful!
These are overrides for EA desks adding them a special tag making usable as Principal's desk on High School lot. As usual, I've made separate and merged versions. The separate files are sorted by pack for easier navigation.
This citrus tree is one of my favourite plants, but I hated those hanging cards or envelopes. I was very inspired with simsi45's Harvested Citrus edit and just wanted to have all the pot colours both with and without orange fruits. So I've made my own version.
A while ago I've noticed a weird shadow on the sim's belly if wearing one of two models of basegame tights. For the solid semitransparent ones the first black swatch was ok but the other four had this shadow and for striped ones all the swatches had it.