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Hug Lovingly for Best Friends and More

Hug Lovingly for Best Friends and More

22 Mar 2023
1 033

This simple tuning mod allows Sims to hug their best friends (including Evil best friends) lovingly. It also allows them to hug family they aren't directly related to. For example, if a Sim raised you and they're not technically your parent, you can now hug them lovingly.

No Festival Texts

No Festival Texts

19 Jan 2023

Hey! I'm alive! Here's a small mod from me: No Festival Texts. It stops NPCs from texting you and asking you to go to festivals with them. There are two flavors: the first one simply stops the texts.

No Constant Phone

No Constant Phone

19 Jan 2023
1 898

I swore I would mod out the constant phone use the second I saw it on the livestream. Here it is! No Constant Phone disables phone use when routing, chatting, and watching.

Better Autonomy Gamma

Better Autonomy Gamma

08 Jul 2022
1 687

Autonomy is a nightmare in Sims—for me, at least. During my first (successful) legacy challenge, I turned off autonomy for over 400 interactions using MC Tuner because the whole thing drove me nuts. Stop playing games. Stop watching TV. Stop mixing drinks.

No Popular Club Reaction

No Popular Club Reaction

13 Jun 2022

Do your Sims enjoy a variety of activities and making friends with the same interests, or just getting to know each other and having fun? Then you should definitely try to join one of the clubs, if you haven't done so yet!