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Prestige Tools  

Upload: 25 Sep 2022, 12:32
Created by: Zombieman64 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Prestige Tools

What do Prestige Tools do?
Prestige Tools adds a tier rank to most tools (except the salvage tools).

What are Tiers?
Tiers add more damage to blocks and entities on your tools.

What Tools are affected?
Stone Axe, Stone Shovel, Iron Pickaxe, Iron Fireaxe, Iron Shovel, Steel Pickaxe, Steel Axe, Steel Shovel, Chainsaw, and Auger.

What does each tier give?
Tier 1: +50% Block damage and +10% Entity damage
Tier 2: +100% Block damage and +20% Entity damage
Tier 3: +150% Block damage and +30% Entity damage
Tier 4: +200% Block damage and +40% Entity damage

How do I get prestige tools?
You can obtain prestige tools by first crafting the tool itself into a prestige tool, this will cost more resources and you need no schematic to use it.

ZLO - Zombie Loot Overhaul 1KB

ZLO - Zombie Loot Overhaul

30 Sep 2022

The mod adjusts the drop rate/quality of loot bags accordingly. There are multiple modules for what experience you'd like, varying from balanced to ridiculous. Any suggestions and feedback is incredibly appreciated!

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