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Forge with 3 Input slot and 3 different levels  

Upload: 21 Sep 2022, 15:32
Created by: Akhyrion [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Forge with 3 Input slot and 3 different levels

- Your forges now have 3 input slots.

- In this mod you can have higher level forges and their tools to smelt or craft faster.

- You can get LVL 2 from perks and LVL 3 from the merchant or loots.

- Resource capacity per forge increased from 30,000 to 99,999 resources.

Quartz v1.2.0 41KB

Quartz v1.2.0

07 Sep 2022

Quartz is a UI modding framework for 7 Days to Die. It adds new XUi Widgets and XUi Controllers that give modders more freedom on creating new and powerful UIs for 7 Days to Die.

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