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Unique Tav Custom Appearance v1.6.0  

Upload: 04 Oct 2023, 11:11
Last updated: 28-01-2024, 14:46
Created by: kartoffel [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Unique Tav Custom Appearance v1.6.0

Gives Tav unique body textures and model, unique face makeup textures, unique face tattoo textures, and also adds body tattoos as an option. I also upscaled the body tattoos because I love you. Now you are very special.

YOU ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE THIS MOD as well Trips' Old Shader Pack


  • Face Tattoo and Face Makeup are for ALL vanilla races/subraces. If you have a non-replacer head or a new race it needs to be patched. I have a list of supported non-replacer heads and new races under compatibility
  • Body Textures and Body Tattoo are (currently) only for Elves, Drow, Half-Elves, Humans, and Tieflings. If you have a new race it needs to be patched.
  • If you have a mod that also edits CharacterVisual resources it needs to be patched. As far as I know that is only Eyes of the Beholder. Which I have a patch for. See more under compatibility.

How Use?

1> "Unique Tav PAK" and install with BG3MM
2> "Unique Tav Data" and unpack zipped contents to Baldurs Gate/Data/
 folder. The final file path should be something like
SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Baldurs Gate 3/Data/Generated/Public/Shared/Assets/unique_tav/ The final "unique_tav" folder will have a bunch of Default presets inside.

  • No Body Tattoos
  • Upscaled Vanilla (BG3) Face Makeup from soriyumi
  • Upscaled Vanilla (BG3) Face Tattoos from soriyumi
  • Hairless Body

3> Make sure you didn't mess up installing, verify it works by checking if human males have hairless chest.

4> Customize
To customize you need to overwrite the contents of each section inside the "unique_tav" folder.
This is what you replace for new makeup
This is what you replace for new face tattoos
BODY section has three sections:unique_tav/BODY/TATTOO/Skin_Atlas_Body_UNI_Tattoo_A_MSK.DDS
This is what you replace for new body tattoos
This contains all the textures and models for Elves, Drow, Half-Elves, and Humans

This contains all the textures and models for Tieflings.

4a> If Customize sounds like a lot, I have included some BODY Variants and BODY TATTOO Variants.

5> Hotloading: You can edit the files and see them update in the game by exiting to the main menu, then reloading your saved game or starting a new one. Otherwise you can just restart the whole game.

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