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Rogues Extra Patch9Ready v1.68  

Upload: 27 Jul 2023, 15:41
Created by: LostSoulMan [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Rogues Extra Patch9Ready v1.68

Adds main rogue subclasses

Please see articles for specific mod details:
V1.68 Change: can throw enemies with Throw_ImprovisedWeapon
V1.67  Fix:  Can throw psychic blades [using dex- a bit complex in the combat log]
V1.66  Fix:  sneak attack wasnt working. Seems to be working wiht melee, offhand, ranged and thrown (hopefully)
V1.65  Add:  can sneak attack with throwing action
V1.64  Fix:  Soul Knife- tidy up and fix throwing psychic blades. (thanks to Ithilbar
 for bug report)
V1.63  Fix:  Assassin lvl7-9, Highlight Phantom passives (thanks to Malicor56 for bug report)
V1.62  Change:  Astarions starting armor now uses studded leather default stats and +1 stealth
V1.61  Fix:  Fancy footwork works with Booming Blade and GreenFlame Blade.
V1.60  Fix:  psychic blades (weapon.txt range correction)
V1.59  Fix:  fix throw_dex & throw psychic blades
V1.58 Fix: changed sneak attack (no longer a "reaction" popup)
V1.57 Fix: Drow Assassin Poison should do damage (and chance to inflict and sleep)
V1.56 Fix: Drow Poison attack no longer has unlimited uses (thanks philipm5m for bug report)
V1.55 Fix: Steady Aim is working again.
V1.54 Update: Sneak using interrupt function/ Sneak on attack of opportunity (with interrupt function). 
V1.53 Fix: can sneak attack with main melee wpn again/ remvoed blade cantrips.
V1.52 Amend: remove cantrip scaling, uncanny dodge, summon changes (patch 9) [includes mod patch fixer]
V1.51  Fix: hitdice
V1.50  Fix: warlock level crashing (testing with expansion and 5e spells)

V1.49  Fix: psychic blades_throw now use dex. Add: throw_using dex.

V1.48  Fix: for patch 8
V1.47  Fix: summons has use the Help action again
V1.46  Fix: rogues BA dash should proc the new magic items
V1.45  Fix: for Drow Poison [Use the Drow Poison will unlock a melee and a ranged attack spell to be used to apply the Drown Poison]
V1.44  Update: for Poisoner Kit, and correct weights of imps (lol)
V1.43 Fix: weight of poisoners kit reduced by 1000
V1.42 Fix scaling cantrips and shadowblade
V1.41 Fix: improvised weapon attack
V1.40  Update: for patch 7
V1.39  Add: MageHand Legerdemain- can picklocks and allow the rogue to steal items (WIP).

V1.38  Change: made sneak attack a toggle (for old saves make sure sneak active is on before updating, toggle is applied at level up 1-4).
V1.37  Fix: Magic Initiative Feat
V1.36  Fix: chromatic orb is available (ignore 1.34 )
V1.35  Fix: cunning action is back
V1.34  Fix: chromatic orb avaialable for wizards
V1.33  Fix: compatibility for Warlock with lvlup.
V1.32  Fix: Gales spells (hopefully!)
V1.31 Fix: agonizing blast and repelling blast.
V1.30  Sorcerer: will get leveled cantrips at lvl 5 and 11.
V1.29  Consistent XP/levelling with Lvlup mod
V1.28  Fix: Gale can level up (issue was it as looking for Bladesinging subclass, error is castersextra not loaded)
V1.27  Psychic blades: shouldnt break hiding if summoned.
V1.26  Psychic blades bonus action, now costs a BA.
V1.25  fix for spells like fireball (Evasion should be part of the spell, so removed it from this mod)
V1.24  fix for sacredflame 
V1.23 Actually a fix for cantrips (as a backup, a magic scroll sold my skeleton trader to add Cantrips)
V1.22 Fix cantrips for Sorcerer and Warlock
V1.21 patch 6 update (removed 2nd magehand, Swashbuckler gets ChaMod+1 to initiative. Familiars can take use Help action).

V1.20  2nd Magehand for Arcane trickster (with Knock spell)- for testing but fun. Made Dash, Disengage, Dodge - autocast like Hide (one click and then done) QOL
V1.19- fix for Ranger Companions and Familiars not getting their actions (hopefully fixed)
V1.18- Wails of the Grave fixed (resources do not show as depleted though)
V117- Add class progressions up to lvl 6 (Fighters get ASI at lvl 6)
V116- Level 5 extra attack (fighter, devoted paladin, ranger), Help action for summons (havent tested all summons)
V115- Update for Swashbuckler
V114- V1.14 Patch 5 fix (sneak attack should be working, thanks Djmr!)
V113- V1.13 Skeleton sells ring to give Eldritch Blast (fix for Wyll not getting that Cantrip) .

V112- can use Booming Blade and GreenFlame Blade from Expanded Warlock. If using Custom Races you can get BB and GFB from Races.

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