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Bard Subclass - College of Glamour  

Upload: 12 Aug 2023, 10:56
Created by: Bones687 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Bard Subclass - College of Glamour

Introducing the "College of Glamour" mod for Baldur's Gate 3, a magnificent addition that opens the doors to the captivating and enchanting world of the Feywild. This mod introduces the College of Glamour bard subclass, where bards who have mastered their art in the vibrant realm of the Feywild or under the tutelage of fey creatures can now delight and captivate others with their magical prowess.

Requires Full Release Mod Fixer


1. Enchanting Appearance (Mantle of Inspiration): Embrace the magic within you! As a Glamour bard, you have the power to grant yourself an enchanting appearance with a simple bonus action, expending Bardic Inspiration. With this newfound charm, you share 5 temporary hit points with allies within 18 meters. But that's not all - they also gain the benefits of the disengage action for one turn, ensuring their safety on the battlefield. As you grow in power, the temporary hit points increase to 8 at level 5 and 11 at level 10, further solidifying your mastery of the Glamour arts.

2. Mesmerizing Performances (Enthralling Performance): Unleash the magic of your song, captivating all humanoids within 18 meters. As they listen to your melodious performance, they must face a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC. Those who fail find themselves charmed by your allure, a testament to your ability to mesmerize and control the hearts and minds of your audience.

3. Unearthly Beauty (Mantle of Majesty): Cloak yourself in the irresistible allure of fey magic. For one glorious minute, or until your concentration ends, you wield the ability to cast Command as a bonus action without expending a precious spell slot. This otherworldly beauty grants you the power to cast Command each turn during this duration without the usual cost, showcasing the true majesty of the Glamour bard.

Delve into the rich lore and power of the College of Glamour, drawing inspiration from the fey themselves. Unleash your mesmerizing charm, inspire wonder, and bask in the magical splendor of this exciting mod. Turn the tides of battle with your enchanting abilities, and make your mark in the world of Baldur's Gate 3 as a true master of the Glamour arts.

Installation with BG3ModManager

Start BG3ModManager
Use File -> Import Mod...
Move the mod from inactive mods to active mods.
Save Load Order to File

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