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Lone Wolf  

Upload: 14 Aug 2023, 15:23
Created by: Mordread256 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Lone Wolf

This mod makes the game more similar to DoS Lonewolf mode (not exactly, just similar).
You MUST start a new run or the XP changes can bug.
Don't open existing saves with this mod on.

2x XP to improve solo and duo experience
L20 max. level, but do not exceed 12 on any single class or it will bug!
Like similar mods, take the 12th level of you class as the last level or it could bug.
Increased carry capacity
Extra feat at level 2 for all classes
Double actions, bonus actions, spell slots and sorcery points

I have not play tested this mod for more than about an hour but it seems stable. Although you should easily be able to remove the mod and carry on.

To install the mod just extra the zip file. Place the 1 folder (Public) into your game's data folder:
Baldurs Gate 3\Data

Then play the game like normal. Larian launcher will give an error popup, just close the error message and play like normal.

To delete the mod, just delete the folder (Public).

Optionally I include a file to lock you to 1 party member (this will make certain side quests impossible):
Just download, extract and put the Mods folder into Baldurs Gate 3\Data.

I have also left the old legacy version with only:
Locked to 1 party member
4x XP to match the Solo experience
L20 max. level, but do not exceed 12 on any single class or it will bug!
Like similar mods, take the 12th level of you class as the last level or it could bug.

More Frequent Feats

More Frequent Feats

14 Aug 2023

Normally the game gives you feats every 4 levels (level 4, 8 and 12) netting you only a maximum of 3 feats, and if you're multiclassing you might even get only 2.

133 Levels v1.1

133 Levels v1.1

14 Aug 2023

The mod was made for those who are greedy for power, for those who want to see all the dialogue options for all classes, in general, do everything in one playthrough.

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