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Berserker Armor and Dragon Slayer v3.0.5  

Upload: 20 Jul 2023, 14:23
Created by: M P L [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Version: 3.0.5
Berserker Armor and Dragon Slayer v3.0.5

It's no secret that the creators of the Souls series drew their inspiration from the popular Berserk anime universe. This also applies to Elden Ring with its cemeteries of giant swords, mysterious brutal characters, etc. So the appearance of equipment from Berserk in the game looks very logical and even, in a sense, canonical.

The Berserker Armor and Dragon Slayer mod adds the Dragon Slayer's signature armor and sword to Elden Ring, allowing you to cosplay Guts, crushing all your enemies with an unnecessarily large blade.

Disclaimer: It's recommended to use Mod Engine 2 in order for the mod to work properly, due to the use of a modified regulation.bin file (if a future update changes this file, I will try to update the mod as soon as possible). Be sure to make backups.


This mod adds an entirely new armor set, the Berserker Armor from BDO, full with custom names and text descriptions. The textures have been entirely reworked by yours truly. There are also optional files for a hidden face on the Berserker Helm.
I've made two outfits:

Berserker Set

  • Berserker Helm: Beast of Darkness helmet.
  • Berserker Helm (Altered): Retracted helmet.
  • Berserker Armor: Beast of Darkness armor.
  • Berserker Gauntlets.
  • Berserker Greaves.

Guts Set

  • Berserker Helm (Altered): Retracted helmet.
  • Berserker Armor (Altered) Unactive armor with accessories.
  • Guts' Iron Arm: Iron prosthesis with full body bandages.
  • Guts' Iron Arm (Altered): Iron prosthesis with short arm bandages.
  • Berserker Greaves.

Dragon Slayer

It also adds the Dragon Slayer greatsword, for which I used the amazing model from G. Salmon over at Sketchfab as a base, cleaned up and reworked with a new handle to be more accurate, with new textures I made from scratch. It replaces the Greatsword, also with proper name and description. The Dragon Slayer comes in two variants, the default one is more weathered and gritty, while the optional 'Classic' variant is brighter and less weathered.


You can obtain all items through the Twin Maiden Husks shop in Roundtable Hold, 1000 runes a piece. Also, you can buy them more than once in case you drop or discard them for some reason.

The items are separate so you can try to mix and match with other armor, but it's not the intended purpose so it won't always look right. I recommend using the complete sets.


  1. Download Berserker Armor and Dragon Slayer - Calibrations 1.06 and the latest Regulation Ver. Update.
  2. Extract Berserker Armor and Dragon Slayer - Calibrations 1.06, and copy the contents of the mod folder to your Mod Engine 2 mod folder. (If you want to use any of the Optional stuff, replace the corresponding files.)
  3. Extract the Regulation Ver. Update, and place the regulation.bin file in your Mod Engine 2 mod folder. (If you are already using a modified regulation.bin, use DSMapStudio to import my modded .csv files to your own regulation.bin)
  4. That's it. Your Mod Engine 2 mod folder should look like this:
    1. Launch the game using launchmod_eldenring.bat.


If you have any issues regarding parts of the body like missing face or arms, or the items not being available in the Twin Maidens shop, then your game is not loading the regulation.bin file, or it's been outdated due to a patch. The mod has been playtested plenty and it's in proper condition.

If you're having visual and performance issues (blocky and messy black physics on screen with low FPS), disable Ray Tracing.

Regarding moveset mods, any issues you have with those just ask the original mod authors.

Please use Mod Engine 2 and make sure you have the latest update files to ensure that the mod works as intended. If you're still having issues, you're gonna have to edit your own regulation.bin using DSMapStudio (recommended) or Yapped.

Remember to make a backup. I've provided the .csv files with my modded data in the Files tab. You can then follow the 'merging mods' tutorial I linked above. The added param rows are the following:

Param IDs:
-Guts' Iron Arm:
964200 (EquipParamProtector)
101882 (ShopLineupParam)

-Guts' Iron Arm (Altered):
964300 (EquipParamProtector)
101883 (ShopLineupParam)

-Berserker Helm:
964400 (EquipParamProtector)
101884 (ShopLineupParam)

-Berserker Helm (Altered):
965400 (EquipParamProtector)
101885 (ShopLineupParam)

-Berserker Armor:
964500 (EquipParamProtector)
101886 (ShopLineupParam)

-Berserker Armor (Altered):
965500 (EquipParamProtector)
101887 (ShopLineupParam)

-Berserker Gauntlets: 
964600 (EquipParamProtector)
101888 (ShopLineupParam)

-Berserker Greaves: 
964700 (EquipParamProtector)
101889 (ShopLineupParam)

-Dragon Slayer:
101890 (ShopLineupParam)

*You can also try UXM, but I've heard some users have issues with that method.

That's about it. Enjoy the mod.

Headless Black Knife and Mausoleum Armor 1.9MB

Headless Black Knife and Mausoleum Armor

29 Mar 2022

Since the enemy Black Knife Assassins and Mausoleum Knight are headless, the Tarnished also becomes headless. Equipping Black Knife Hood, Bloodsoaked Tabard, Mausoleum Surcoat and Mausoleum Knight Armor will make the Tarnished headless.

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