Ultra Highpoly Nude Busty - Cloak - Inverted Nipple v7.2
Increase count of polygons and change tits, hips, shoulders, hands and knee height.
The skin is oily and the nipples are fine.
*Nude is not displayed to other players.
The latest version of the main files can be installed with MOD Manager as it is,
or just overwriting the [nativePC]. (External files are no longer needed)
It replaces Bones, Diver, Direwolf, ClothingAB, and SealedEyepatch,
so if there is a conflict, delete the appropriate folder such as [pl000_0000].
【Tutorial to use it as other equipments】
When replacing leather (ID: 001_0000)armor.
1. Rewrite all "501_0000" to "001_0000" on folder/files name.
2. When you wear leather armor, this mod will show up.
(It will be visible to other players with their original leather armor)
Other armor ID:
If you change to another body shape, remember that you need to rename it again.
・I'm sorry, the folder I should put in [ v6.1 AllBodyOption ] was missing.
【v7.2 Ncup BigNip BigHipUP Glasses HighHeelTightsPanty】
【v7.2 Ncup VKSweater BigHipUP Glasses HighHeelTightsPanty】
【v6.1 AllBodyOption】on Optional files
・Fixed a gap in the waist of the [HighHeelTights] leg.
【v7 Ncup BigNip BigHipUP Glasses Nakid】
・Includes textures for all outfit options.
【v7 Ncup VKSweater BigHipUP Glasses HighHeelTightsPanty】
【v7 Ncup BigNip BigHipUP Glasses HighHeelTightsPanty】
・Smoothly shaping the breasts seen from the side.
Fine-tuned the roots of the boobs.
【v6 AllBodyOption】on Optional files
・Updated the chest area of NormalNipple(4types) to the shape of Ver5
・Added [VaalHazak Leg] and its color variations.
【v8 MoreJiggle ctc】
・Same as included in [v6 -].
【v6 -】
・Shape the bottom of the butt
・Adjust ctc for new butt
・Updated the chest area of InvertedNipple to the shape of Ver5
【v5.1 Ncup VKSweater BigHipUP Glasses HighHeelTightsPanty】
【v5.1 Ncup BigNip BigHipUP Glasses HighHeelTightsPanty】
・Replace Bone, Diver, Direwolf, ClothingA-B, Sealed Eyepatch.
【v5 Ncup BigNip BigHipUP Glasses HighHeelTights replace Diver】
・Recommended: V-sync OFF & 60FPS limit (otherwise, your boobs may vibrate)
・TAdjusted the base of the chest to be thicker.
・The collision of the boobs hardly moves...(Please let me know how to fix it)
・Added Glasses
・A slightly flushed face with rubber neck, a slightly crisp areola
・Former mods are no longer needed. Replace Diver.
【v7 MoreJiggle ctc】
・Same as included in [v5 Ncup].
【v6 MoreJiggle ctc】
・Ctc for butt is included. (Removes vibration when flying.)
・Compared to v5, the gravity on the breasts has been slightly increased.
【v5 MoreJiggle ctc】
・Compared to v4, the gravity on the breasts has been slightly increased.
【v4 MoreJiggle ctc】
・Removes slight vibration of breasts.
【Vaal Hazak Leg (WIP)】 on Optional files
【75percent vivid areola】on Miscellaneous files
・v1.1 - The tattoo that was accidentally included was deleted, and the areola position was corrected.
【v4.5 Ncup VirginKillerSweater BigHipUP Panty HighHeelTights】
・Fixed clipping of the lower part of the chest by repainting the weights.
【v3 MoreJiggle ctc】
・Compared to v2, the cleavage is changed slightly stronger.
【v4.4 Ncup VirginKillerSweater BigHipUP Panty HighHeelTights】
【v4.4 Ocup VirginKillerSweater BigHipUP Panty Tentacle】
【v4.4 AllBodyOption】
・Adjusted the shape of the bottom half of the sweater. (Fixed thigh clipping)
・Made the hem of the sweater opaque.
【v4.3 Ncup VirginKillerSweater BigHipUP Panty HighHeelTights】
・Fixed thigh clipping
・Fine adjustment around the chest of the sweater
・ctc2.1 and skyblue tex included
【v4.3 AllBodyOption】
・Added Ocup and [.blend], updated Ncup.
【v4.3 Ocup VirginKillerSweater BigHipUP Panty Tentacle】
・Fixed thigh clipping
【v2.1 MoreJiggle ctc】
【v4.2.3 Ncup VirginKillerSweater BigHipUP Panty HighHeelTights】
【v4.2.3 AllBodyOption】
・Fixed the VKS ribbon on the right that wasn't working well from the original. (updated [Ncup VKS.blend] too)
【v4.2 SwitchablePanty with equip (Leather and Hunter)】
・Created by request.
【v4.2.2 AllBodyOption】
・Changed the location of mrl3.
【v4.2.1 AllBodyOption】
・Fixed wrong [Tights NoPanty].
・Fixed wrong pubic hair's custom property so that pubic hair color change works.
【v2 MoreJiggle ctc】on Optional Files
・VirginKillerSweater was supported.
【v4.2 AllBodyOption】
・All options was Integrated.
・Added pubic hair for BigHipUP and Normal Hip.
・Included [.blend] file.
・Fixed incorrect hip vertices on [BigHipUP Tentacles].
・Fixed crotch gap between [BigHipUP Nakid] and [BigHipUP Tentacle].
【v1 VirginKillerSweater Color and Translucent Option】
【v4.2 Ncup VirginKillerSweater BigHipUP Panty HighHeelTights】
・Add [CMM.tex] for color change.
・Thin bracelet and slightly shorter ribbon.
【3D Pubes for BigHip and UP】
・On Hunter's armor
【v4.1.2 Ncup VirginKillerSweater BigHipUP Panty HighHeelTights】
・ctc and ccl for body are included. (Please install if the boobs are not jiggle)
【v4.1.1 Ncup VirginKillerSweater BigHipUP Panty HighHeelTights】
・Fixed some clipping.
【v4.1 Ncup VirginKillerSweater BigHipUP Panty HighHeelTights】
・Not Chainmail
【v4.1 Panty or NoPanty (NormalHipLeg)】
・7/21 Deleted folders what I included it by mistake
【v1 MoreJiggle ctc】on Misc
・it is a bit modest to make it real
【v4.1 Futanari BigHipUP AllOption】
【v4.1 Futanari BigHipUP AllOption for LeatherArmor】
【v4.1 BigHipUP AllBodyOption (Panty and Tights and Tentacle)】
・Added Tentacle leg, belt and boots color.
【v4.1 BigHipUP AllBodyOption for LeatherArmor】
・This file is for advanced users. (Just renamed all [501_0000] to [001_0000])
If you make a layered armor of leather, you can switch by just overwriting.
【v4 BigHipUP Panty or NoPanty (BodyOption)】
【v4 NormalNipple BigHipUP】
・Changed version notation to 4 for clarity. (Same content as v3.1)
・The side of Ocup's breast is wide and smooth.
・Made the waistline smoother.
・Aligned the normals of the legs, so organized the folder structure.
【v3 NormalNipple BigHipUP】
・Create Nakid BigHipUP.
・Smoothed the waistline.
【v3.4 BigHipUP Panty or NoPanty with HighHeelTights】
・Only fix [Ocup Puffy Big nipple with NoPanty leg].
【v3.3 BigHipUP Panty or NoPanty with HighHeelTights】
・Added Ocup and nipple option.
【v1 Ocup PuffyNipple with BigHipUP HighHeelTights(WIP)】
【v3.2 Futanari BigHipUP with HighHeelTights and HolePanty】on Misc
・Added. Still WIP.
【v3.2 BigHipUP Panty or NoPanty with HighHeelTights】
・Added Red Heel and Belt textures.
【v3.1 BigHipUP Panty or NoPanty with HighHeelTights】
・Added big and small Puffy Nipple.
【v3 BigHipUP Panty or NoPanty with HighHeelTights】
・Added Puffy Nipple.
・Smoothed the upper part of the buttocks.
【v2.3 BigHipUP Panty or NoPanty with HighHeelTights】
・Lifted the butt.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
【v1.2 Futanari BigHip with HighHeelTights and HolePanty】
・Added Huge ver.
・Nipple option and Panty and tights texture are not included, so it is recommended to use with [v2.3 BigHip- ].
【v2.3 BigHip Panty or NoPanty with HighHeelTights】
【v1 Tights Texture for Panty with Tights】
・Added 8 kinds of tights color textures (to freely change panty colors)
【v2.2 BigHip Panty or NoPanty with HighHeelTights】
・Corrected the deviation of the normal line between the body and leg
【v2.1 BigHip Panty or NoPanty with HighHeelTights】
・Fixed wrong nipple option in [NoPanty]
【v2 BigHip Panty or NoPanty with HighHeelTights】
・Added nipple option. (currently only in this)
・Smooth the normal of the tip of the nipple.
【v1.3 BigHip Panty or NoPanty with HighHeelTights】
・Fixed an issue that caused a hole in the crotch depending on the pose
【v1.2 BigHip Panty or NoPanty with HighHeelTights】
・The tights are thick.
・Added embroidery. (Color-DitherNoise / Black-NoDitherNoise)
・Fixed thigh penetration when jiggling.
【v1 Futanari BigHip with HighHeelTights and HolePanty】
・Added ball ver.
【v1 Futanari BigHip with HighHeelTights and HolePanty】
【v3.2 Futanari with HighHeelTights and HolePanty】
・Adjusting the panty a little.
【v1 BigHip Panty or NoPanty with HighHeelTights】
・Adjusting the panty to fit the hips. Still WIP.
・You can wear it with [Translucent Jiggle Bikini], but if you are worried about the boundary line, please hide your waist.
【v3 TexturesOption NormalNipple】
・RubberSuit (Open), Blush, Dry and MoreOily textures are included.
・Please tell me if there is any mistake. For inverted nipple is not yet.
【v1 Futanari with TentacleBoots and HolePanty】
・Made perforated panty.
【v3.1 Panty or NoPanty with HighHeelTights】
・Smoothed the vertices and normals of the hips.
・The number of polygons has been increased to make the upper part of the cleavage smooth.
(Currently, it is the smoothest valley of all body types.)
【v3 Panty or NoPanty with HighHeelTights】
・Added RubberPanty (Black/Color)
・The back of the pants has become thinner to mitigate the noticeable clipping with dark color.
【v2 Panty or NoPanty with HighHeelTights】
・Added [NoPanty] version.
・In order to eliminate the slight lines due to the difference in normals, the adjusted upper body is included.
【v1 Panty with HighHeelTights】 Added.
【v1.1 Panty with Leg】 Synchronized waist shape.
【v1.1 Ncup InvertNipple】
【v2.2 Ncup NormalNipple】
・Made the waist area smooth.
・Changed [common_tex] to default base.(gap fixed)
v6 Ncup InvertedNip BigHipUP Glasses
v6 Ocup VKSweater BigHipUP Glasses TentaclePanty
v7 Ncup BigNip BigHipUP Glasses Nakid
v7.2 Ncup BigNip BigHipUP Glasses HighHeelTightsPanty
v7.2 Ncup VKSweater BigHipUP Glasses HighHeelTightsPanty
v8 Ncup BigNip (WIP)
Cloak Replace to v5 Ncup BigNipple
v3 TexturesOption NormalNipple
v4.2 SwitchablePanty with equip (Leather and Hunter)
v6 ColorOption
v6.1 AllBodyOption
v6.1 VaalHazak Leg with Texture Option
v8 MoreJiggle ctc

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