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Revealing Kujou Sara Toggle and Pantsu Version  

Upload: 31 Jul 2023, 13:11
Created by: RenKamui [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Revealing Kujou Sara Toggle and Pantsu Version

Following after the Shogun, Kujou Sara now also has some more "interesting" clothing options!

You can toggle from fully clothed with panties to her chest and/or bottom exposed, every variant has a version with and without her mask and/or some of the cloth around her legs.
All variants come in vanilla proportions as always. In case you don't want to have the lewd options, I made a seperate file with just her "SFW" panties variants.

All my mods will toggle with ctrl + first letter of the characters name, so in this case CTRL + K or CTRL SHIFT + K to toggle back. 

Ayaka Trimmed

Ayaka Trimmed NSFW

16 Jun 2023
2 922

The ultimate Ayaka mod! Over 40 main outfit options to choose from and more coming! I made a video that demonstrates all options currently available. See the bottom of this page!

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