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HuTao Succubus Mega Toggle! With Swimming And E-Skill Activations 

Upload: 03 Nov 2023, 11:28
Created by: Lewd_Lad [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
HuTao Succubus Mega Toggle! With Swimming And E-Skill Activations

Halloween's upon us soon, and with it, Halloween mods! Finally done with the HuTao Succubus mega toggle pack. The biggest and most intense multi-toggle yet, weighing in at 1 gig unzipped... it might be too much for some of you ^^;

But for those with the appetite to handle this, you get a very special HuTao indeed!

90 toggle variants across 4 toggles, an additional 15 for underwater, and an E-skill that makes her go Super Saiyan! Hoooo! Big thanks to Shinya and Leo for their help with the skins/texture assist and ini assistance respectively!


Press 'Y' to toggle tops

Press 'H' to toggle bottoms (alt+h to go back in the options)

Press 'N' to toggle fishnet stockings

Press '6' to toggle her tail


Press LB+Y to toggle tops

Press LB+X to toggle bottoms

Press LB+A to toggle fishnet stockings

Press LB+RT+A to toggle her tail!

Enter the water to switch to 'swim mode' (removes her heels/fishnets/wings/tail)

Use her E-skill to turn her Super Saiyan - turns off once she's out of it.

And enjoy!

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