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Furina Undress/Bikini Toggle 

Upload: 25 Feb 2024, 11:07
Created by: RenKamui
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Furina Undress/Bikini Toggle

The moment has come to welcome the Regina of All Waters, Kindreds, Peoples and Laws, the embodiment of "Flat is Justice", beloved by all, Furina de Fontaine!

Let us rejoice in her petite elegance and cuteness!


Base outfit options:

  • vanilla top, cleavage, revealing top and topless,
  • vanilla shorts, pantsu and bottomless,
  • hat and no hat,
  • vanilla, reduced and no back dress,
  • shoes and barefoot.

Focalors' dress options (adjusted version):

  • vanilla top, half top and topless
  • panties and bottomless
  • dress and no dress (only for half top)

Bikini options:

  • bikini top, revealing bikini top and topless
  • bikini bottom, bottomless
  • beach skirt and no beach skirt

You can find examples for every option in the screenshots.
Please enjoy the slight fake jiggle I was able to sneak in for her topless boobies, even though they originally had no physics!

Automatic Bikini Functionality:

Big thanks to a4happy20 for his script!
When swimming or diving, Furina automatically changes into her bikini and you will be able to select your preferred bikini variant. When leaving the water, she will after a delay of about five seconds automatically change back to her previous variant!
This functionality can be toggled on and off anytime with the ARROW RIGHT key!

Pneuma and Ousia:

Furinas Pneuma and Ousia modes, changing between white and black, will keep working as usual while using this mod.
And not only that, you will be able to change variants seperatedly for both modes, meaning that you can choose a different appearance for each mode!

Toggle Keys:

The keys are
5 - for chest options,
6 - for bottom options,
7 - for hat options,
8 - for dress and beach skirt options
9 - for feet options,
0 - to switch modes (base, Focalors and bikini), and
ARROW RIGHT - to toggle Auto Bikini Functionality on and off.
F10 - Save your selected variants for future game launches!

Known Issues:

  • There is some clipping with Focalors' dress while sprinting and during other extreme animations, I am not currently planning on fixing it, but let me know if you think I should!

Let me know if you encounter any other issues!

Big thanks to zeroruka for the nude base body and to Lumine_, who provided a .blend file with the Focalors base files here!

How to install:

  • Download the mod down below.
  • Unpack the .rar file.
  • Place the mod folder, as well as the "BufferValues" folder, in your "3dmigoto > Mods" folder.
  • Press F10 ingame to load the mod!
  • Enjoy!

Update Notes:

  • Now fixed for game version 4.3
Ayaka Sexi Bikini

Ayaka Sexi Bikini NSFW

16 Jun 2023
3 748

A small pic of Ayakas Sexi Bikini Full NSFW Mod available on Patreon and a few other variants, work in progress and mods (NSFW) if you're interested or want to support.

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