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Shiny Tier - Little Devil Xiangling 

Upload: 02 Dec 2023, 14:53
Created by: Lewd_Lad [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Shiny Tier - Little Devil Xiangling

She's finally on the board and has received her very first Mod here! <3 I just LOVE the way she looks together with HuTao, they're such a great duo <3

She also received a weapon mod for The Catch. I hope you enjoy her and look forward to more releases of this pair ^ - ^

Big thanks to Never for helping out with the .ini files a bunch ;A;

Storm Braver [Waverider]

Storm Braver [Waverider]

31 Jul 2023

The ship is Kosekimaru (Waverider real name) original form in the glory days of Ako Domeki's fleet before spoiler alert - lost in battle with the Shogunate vessel and the damaged Kosekimaru ended up drifted on the Golden Apple Archipelago, changing form into the current Waverider after resurrection.

CBT1 Guoba

CBT1 Guoba

01 Aug 2023

Guoba's CBT 1 model over the current one. -Fun fact Guoba's beta model had a bow on the back of him, and the animations are still in-game, so the bow is fully animated!~

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