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Dancer Layla 

Upload: 02 Dec 2023, 18:10
Created by: Lewd_Lad
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Dancer Layla

Some pretty big problems with the way transparencies work with the game, so we might not be able to pull it off as intended, but even so, it's looking really good already. Also, texture coloration is obviously off, at least compared to the original concept. We'll probably do this one as a variant though.

Yelan Tactical Bunny Mod 24 MB Exclusive

Yelan Tactical Bunny Mod NSFW

15 Nov 2023
3 526

Fulfilling a Patron request today between Furina mods, here's one where Yelan has Lynette's nude harness outfit, but without the extra gloves/boots/pauldrons. I took a bit of time to customize the cat logo too, turning it into a bunny logo - pretty happy with that touch! ;)

Kirara's Love Delivery

Kirara's Love Delivery

01 Aug 2023
1 242

This is a public release with a static model, no additional animations are included. The 3 animated versions with up to 2 plugs moving silmuntaneously are available on my Patreon.

[Yanfei] Cat lingerie

[Yanfei] Cat lingerie NSFW

11 Jun 2023
1 287

I got this personally requested and had fun adapting the costume I had on Shenhe to Yanfei.... and adding something to it. I guess most ppl don't care what's typed here and just swipe through the screenshots.

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