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Cloud Retainer Boss Lady Lewd Toggle 

Upload: 20 Feb 2024, 09:49
Created by: Lewd_Lad
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Cloud Retainer Boss Lady Lewd Toggle

Designed/Base textured/modelled by Lewd Lad with modelling assistance from Lewd Modding Team.

Texturing for this model was done by Satsuki Mei (Mei Mei) -


Cloud Retainer shows off her stunning body in this release - large milky tits capped with dark chocolate nipples - a sign of a truly mature and beautiful woman! This is a mult-toggle mod that lets you toggle through her blouse/skirt/panties/nude as well as her jacket/cape independently.

Also, Happy Lunar New Year to everyone that celebrates it! Hope you all have a happy healthy and prosperous year to come! ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ


  • Press 'Y' to toggle through her jackets/tops.
  • Press 'H' to toggle forwards through her body gear.
  • Press 'N' to toggle backwards.

Uses 'ORFix' to fix reflections and outlines. Download from 

And place in your 3DM genshin ./mods/buffervalues/ folder

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