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Elegant Lingerie Furina (Pneuma & Ousia) 

Upload: 23 Feb 2024, 09:01
Created by: Lewd_Lad
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Elegant Lingerie Furina (Pneuma & Ousia)

LewdLad for modeling / base textures

Lewd Modding Team Model Adjustments

Mei for retexturing and additional textures of the hair, face, etc

Never for .ini fixing


Good morning!!! Hope your friday is amazing! ^_^

Here is the promised full release of the Elegant Lingerie Furina. It has an automatic toggle for Pneuma and Ousia stances!

The whole thing was a (very detailed) commission - thank you for your support <3

[Yanfei] Cat lingerie

[Yanfei] Cat lingerie NSFW

11 Jun 2023
2 043

I got this personally requested and had fun adapting the costume I had on Shenhe to Yanfei.... and adding something to it. I guess most ppl don't care what's typed here and just swipe through the screenshots.

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