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[Yanfei] Cat lingerie  

Upload: 11 Jun 2023, 13:37
Created by: metalon [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
[Yanfei] Cat lingerie

I got this personally requested and had fun adapting the costume I had on Shenhe to Yanfei.... and adding something to it. I guess most ppl don't care what's typed here and just swipe through the screenshots. I got Raiden WIP of a character from another game that really hit me with the story - Odin Sphere and making the costume took some. It's almost done but has few stuff like weights and adding shadows to the clothing.

- You like my mods? I am open to commissions! Support is much appreciated, m'dudes!

- If you're using this mod, click "subscribe" so you get the updates on this submission. I often post variations and improvements.

- For specific requests, troubleshooting, DM me in Discord. Personal requests are "you want something? I want something, too".

-for mod installation:

1. download and open the desired archive with 7zip or other archive app
2. drag and drop the mod/merged mod folder into the 3DMigoto\mods folder
3. Press F10 in game while 3DMigoto is also loaded
4. ???

Water Lily Furrinya 28 MB

Water Lily Furrinya

09 Jul 2024
1 425

Furrinya's got just the dress for the occasion! The Water Lily outfit is back, this time for Furrinya and with more cute accessories! On top of that, we've integrated TexFx transparency for additional flare, and given her more elegant lingerie instead of panties~

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