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Navia Undress/Bikini Toggle 

Upload: 24 Feb 2024, 17:56
Created by: RenKamui
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Navia Undress/Bikini Toggle

Once she takes off her clothes, it becomes clear that cannons and shotguns are not the only heavy arsenal that the president of Spina di Rosula wields! So as her partner, we may behold Navia's secret weaponry in all its glory!


Base outfit options:

  • vanilla top, revealing top with exposed breasts, topless
  • bloomers, leotard panties, bottomless
  • back dress, no back dress
  • hat, no hat
  • necklace, no necklace
  • vanilla arms and legs, bare arms and legs

Bikini options:

  • bikini top, topless
  • bikini bottom, bottomless
  • hat, no hat
  • necklace, no necklace
  • skirt, no skirt

You can find examples for almost every option in the screenshots.

Auto Bikini Functionality:

When swimming or diving, Navia automatically changes into her bikini and you will be able to select your preferred bikini variant. When leaving the water, she will after a delay of about five seconds automatically change back to her previous variant!

This functionality can be toggled on and off anytime with the ARROW RIGHT key!

Toggle Keys:

5 - for chest options
6 - for bottom options
7 - for hat options
8 - for necklace options
9 - for back dress or bikini skirt options
0 - for arms and legs options
ARROW UP - change into bikini mode
ARROW RIGHT - to toggle Auto Bikini Functionality on and off
F10 (reloading mods) - to save your selected variants for future game launches

Let me know if you encounter any issues!

Big thanks to zeroruka for the nude base body and to a4happy20 for his auto underwater outfit script!

How to install:

  • Download the mod down below.
  • Unpack the .rar file.
  • Place the mod folder, as well as the "BufferValues" folder, in your "3dmigoto > Mods" folder.
  • Press F10 ingame to load the mod!
  • Enjoy!
Eula with Cocolia's clothes

Eula with Cocolia's clothes

31 Jul 2023
1 187

A little kitbash I made the second I saw Cocolia in HSR. I quite love how well it fits Eula. There's people in my streams that thought I made the whole outfit myself due to how fitting it is to our vengance addict Bluenette.

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