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Shiny Tier - Sensational Diva Navia Mega Toggle 

Upload: 06 Jul 2024, 18:18
Created by: Lewd Lad
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Shiny Tier - Sensational Diva Navia Mega Toggle
  • Model, Textures and Mod by Shinya

  • Base body by LewdLad textured by Shinya

  • Scripting / Mega Toggle Setup by Never

  • - Commissions are Open!! (。・ω・。)


And another one! This turned out to be such a huge commission, I am extremely thankful for the support and the opportunity! <3

Please enjoy a Mega Toggle release of the Sensational Diva Navia! This one even includes Neko variants as an option... She's just too adorable now. I hope you enjoy having her on your team just as much as I enjoyed working on her!! <3



1) Place Navia Mod into the "Mods" Folder

2) Place TexFx-main into the "Mods" Folder

TexFx is responsible for transparency. Won't work without it.

3. Place ShadowFixes into your "3DMigoto" Folder.


  • KEY Y - Toggle Vibe

  • KEY H - Toggle Skirt

  • KEY N - Toggle Neko

  • KEY 6 - Toggle Transparency

Jean Lady of the Night 58 MB

Jean Lady of the Night NSFW

18 Jul 2023
1 399

Tried recreating one of Jean's outfits from Klee Prank Adventure. The creator of the game and designer of the outfit is PinkMochiDango. Im never making heels from scratch ever again.

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