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Barbara Milli Nava cosplay  

Upload: 15 Jun 2023, 16:17
Created by: luiggy0983 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Barbara Milli Nava cosplay

I've been trying to make this Mod but unfortunately, I'm about to give up.
I have many plans for this, but I don't know how t fix the fingers, I have tried to cut Barbaras hands and weighted them , I have tried to do it manually and whit weight transfer, but still had not luck.\
if someone knows how to fix them  please tell me, or you can try to do it I'm leaving the .blend file and the mod with the .dds.
if you do it you can take ownership of the mod , just give me proper credits or you can also send me the steps , video or whatever you do to fix them.
I will still trying tomorrow though.

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