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Microkini Squirrel Girl plus optional variations  

Upload: 25 Dec 2024, 19:40
Created by: Arto-Lagglemchammer [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Microkini Squirrel Girl plus optional variations

Gives Squirrel Girl A microkini, Jacket & No Jacket Version + Thicc version with and with out Jacket

Squirrel girl given a Microkini

+Added Jacket version
+Optional More pronounced Jiggle physics version
+Optional Thicc no jacket Jiggle Physics added
+Thicc Version with and without jacket versions added
+All files now have jiggle physics(only applied to lobby mesh)
+Outlines are back(re-imported all four models as well as re-sculpting thicc versions to match original release)
+Fixed contrast on new body skin, closer resemblance to face skin contrast and brightness, not perfect, a little pail now, fix probably a week from now
+Physics versions moved to optional files, plus update to physics
+Main files are Default no physics

Choose only one of eight files 

Extract and place file at: \SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\MarvelRivals\MarvelGame\Marvel\Content\Paks

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