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Goth Mommy Luna Snow  

Upload: 26 Dec 2024, 18:28
Created by: svanax [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Goth Mommy Luna Snow

This mod turns luna into a goth.
The face texture for the lobby is not behaving correctly.
(Still works in game)

Disable outlines 33KB

Disable outlines

26 Dec 2024

Disables the black outlines around and on the characters for a cleaner look. Also disables the white glow effect on the characters that's visible only in the character select screen and the heroes menu.

Jacketless beefier Wolverine 15.9MB

Jacketless beefier Wolverine

26 Dec 2024

As the title says, it's wolverine without his jacket. I will never know why they hid those insane arms from us. Also I made his tits fatter, his bulge heavier and his cake slightly bigger because I CAN.

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