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Seminude Outfits for James  

Upload: 20 Oct 2024, 10:19
Created by: luxosmods
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Seminude Outfits for James

Semi-nude outfits for James


Bottomless James
Only Shoes

Improved Weapon Balance 37KB

Improved Weapon Balance

20 Oct 2024

Weapons in the game feel a bit weak in straight-up fights, which makes sense in this setting and encourages careful exploration. However, in certain situations like open combat with groups or later-game boss fights, it can be frustrating.

Game Registry Tweaks 6KB

Game Registry Tweaks

20 Oct 2024

This script is designed to improve game performance on Windows by making various registry adjustments. It now includes new options for Full-Screen Optimization and Windows 11 Windowed Optimization, making it even more effective.

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