chenxing bikini detail mod
更新:修复了乳摇丢失的BUG 虽然本来就不咋明显
update: fixed bug cause breast physic failure. Although the unmodded version is not very obvious.
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更新:修复了乳摇丢失的BUG 虽然本来就不咋明显
update: fixed bug cause breast physic failure. Although the unmodded version is not very obvious.
恩雅泳装两个版本 ,取代了原皮 Two versions of Enya swimsuit Replacing the default skins
猫猫宿舍Nmod. Mauxir dormitory Nmod.
移除了风衣 裤子和胸口的布料减少 缩短了裙子 replace Tess original skin, make skirt and pants shorter, remove some obstacles, expose more chest.
为4星芬妮做了两款衣服、和一个删减布料版的(取代了默认皮肤) I made two types of clothes for Fenny、and Cropped version of clothing(Replacing the default skins)