chenxing bikini detail mod
更新:修复了乳摇丢失的BUG 虽然本来就不咋明显
update: fixed bug cause breast physic failure. Although the unmodded version is not very obvious.
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更新:修复了乳摇丢失的BUG 虽然本来就不咋明显
update: fixed bug cause breast physic failure. Although the unmodded version is not very obvious.
更新:Ver1只移除了遮挡物,Ver2左脚也改成了丝袜,稍微调整了屁股. Update:Ver1 only remove Obstacles, Ver2 put on black stockings on his left leg, and slightly bigger her butt
Made a nude for ChenXing in the dormitory
移除了风衣 裤子和胸口的布料减少 缩短了裙子 replace Tess original skin, make skirt and pants shorter, remove some obstacles, expose more chest.