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Play as Lily  

Upload: 25 Jan 2024, 05:01
Created by: FrancisLouis [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Play as Lily

Gives you the ability to play as Lily.

You have two choices: either the version that comes with her default hairstyle, or a version that you can use any hair on her, although not all hairs will look good, and some will clip. I might adjust her head later, but for now, enjoy what there is.

The dress lacks physics, but that's on the developers themselves, not me. They might update the game and add the physics, and when they do, this mod should automatically get it.


drop the pak file in Pal\Content\Paks\~mods

create the ~mods folder

Follow me on twitter\X for previews of upcoming mods (mostly NSFW)

Any support is appreciated


Lily (Default Hair)
Zoe (Any Hair)

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