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Collection of Realism Mods (74+ mods) [41.78]  

Upload: 23 Jun 2023, 13:24
Last updated: 23-06-2023, 13:35
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Collection of Realism Mods (74+ mods) [41.78]

Mods that will make the world more alive and the gameplay more realistic and interesting. Meant for hardcore survival and long gameplays.

Surviving Through Seasons
Complete a multi-year/seasonal walkthrough without having to spend hundreds of hours or incredibly short days on it. There is always something to cook, for example. cold and meager winters, hot and dry summers.
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Essential Crafting
This mod removes the need for vanilla-friendly crafting add-ons such as refilling lighters, opening improvised cans/crushing rocks/making fires, repairing weapons, crafting raw materials for tailoring, woodcarving, tailoring, and many other quality-of-life methods. to improve long-term survival in low production environments. 
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Food Preservation Plus 
This mod satisfies the need for preserving vanilla-free foods. Cook smoked or salted meat/fish, canned food, vinegar, ethanol, glue, salt and more. Use ethanol to make vodka or fuel a generator, process food into biogas, find salt rocks and grind them into salt.
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Herbal Medicine Plus
Create your own herbal vitamins, painkillers and antibiotics with high medical skills and some forest products. Good for RPGs where the experience multiplier is set very low and you can have characters with different skill sets doing mostly specialized jobs.
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Real Metalworking
This mod satisfies the need for realistic vanilla friendly primitive metalworking. It has tons of recipes, but it won't let you craft ALL the metal items that are in the game. This is supposed to be a profession suited to a self-taught apocalypse survivor or former blacksmith, rather than a superhero who can magically create complex machinery by reading a magazine.
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Dynamic Trading
Using the foraging system, you can encounter several types of merchants in trailer parks and urban areas. Trade goods themselves act as a currency. You can only make one trade per meeting. Also, if the deal is not made, the trader will disappear after 3 days. You can also pick up a trader and bring them to your base - they weigh a lot, so I suggest using cars? Traders are categorized as "Stones" depending on their focus on finding food.
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hard farming
All vanilla plants now only give one seed per harvested crop - to get more seeds you need 1-3 farming skill to extract them from the crop: the number of seeds you get depends on your total farming skill. Also reduced the amount of XP from farming. Low-level farmers have a hard (not very hard) time to take care of the seeds, and they are forced to focus on other food gathering places.
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Prepare For Winter
Makes winter more of a challenge, so you need to be prepared. Changes in agriculture are somewhat realistic (crops die in the cold), but changes in fishing and trapping are not. Consists of 3 mods (Farming, Fishing and Trapping) so you can choose which aspects you want to experience.
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Worn Out Zombies
Will make most zombies half-naked - with no clothes at all or with only the bottom / top of the clothes. They may also take some extra loot with them - a small amount of things that are deep in their pockets, or some wire/string/tarp they've been lugging around with. It is designed to be used with the "12 months later", "forest maps" settings and the "10 years later mod.". It makes sense that the zombies would trip over trees and each other, losing most of their clothes in the process.
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Slower Actions
Performs most of the following actions 7-10 times slower: More about the mod.

Hard Forage

  • Feeding areas will not be replenished / updated daily, but only depending on weather conditions.
  • Nerfed's crop zone is releasing some goodies to encourage more trips into the woods.
  • The Junk Food category now only allows you to find canned food.
  • We've improved people's signature dishes in certain product categories so they're more likely to find other products.
  • There are a lot of worms and termites now - from 1 to 8 and from 1 to 10, respectively.
  • It's a little workaround to get people to think further from their bases.

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Hard Fishing
You have a higher chance of getting worms when digging + a small chance of getting termites, snails and grubs. When you harvest rarer insects such as caterpillars, slugs, and the like in the forest, these items will not cause branches to be obtained, and you will have a much better chance of getting fish. I also suggest using my Hard Forage mod to get a lot more worms, termites and snails while foraging. I also reduced the nutritional value of worms, termites, cockroaches and baitfish. If the temperature is below 0°C, then you won't be able to get anything with fishing nets and digging worms.
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Slow Reading
Reading takes 5 times longer than before.

Now the books have made sense, and you can't just look through them while looting, quickly tossing them aside. This makes reading a long process and forces you to take the books you are currently reading with you on looting expeditions. They will become an essential part of the day and the overall RPG scene, as you may have to store them temporarily next to where you do other tasks and have easy access to them during your breaks.
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Skull Mask
You can butcher zombies and take their skulls, turning them into beautiful skull masks. They have pretty decent bite and scratch protection, but they won't insulate you too much from nature.
Collect skulls and use them as currency or save the skull of one of the most ferocious zombies you will encounter. Equip your enemies as you fight new ones. Go crazy!
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  • Makes the base hunger value slightly lower (increasing the multiplier) so that the base increase stays the same, but when multiplied by performing various other actions, it will not decrease as quickly. The feeling of hunger/thirst intensified during sleep twice.
  • Triple decrease in stamina while running. Sprint is the same.
  • Reduces fatigue by 30-35%.
  • Slower stress reduction - by 30%.
  • Slower increase in unhappiness - 5 times.
  • Recommended to be used with the "Slow" statistics reduction setting in the sandbox options.
  • Designed to be used with a day length of 1 hour - not even sure if the stats decrease/increase the day length or not.

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Vehicle Repair Overhaul
Adds many additional options for repairing hoods, trunks, seats, doors, gas tanks, lights, windshields, power windows, tires, brakes, suspension, glove box, roof racks, trailers, cargo containers, armored parts and other car accessories or save the entire car by getting it out of your way!
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A hotwire nerf mod
Cars with hot wires can now stall when starting the engine or driving at high speed (especially off-road). There is a very small chance that the wiring will become disconnected and have to be redone from scratch.
This is separate from the repeated starting of the vehicle required when the vehicle's engine is damaged. This will apply even to 100% vehicles if they are connected to the network.
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VHS SkillTapes (SP & MP)
Adds VHS for crafting and survival skills. Each series consists of 6 episodes that give experience.
The cassettes are retailed on VHS and must appear with other retail video cassettes.
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Ammo Logistics
Ammo Logistics is a simple mod that adds bulk vanilla ammo. Harvest them yourself or add (6) ammo boxes of any caliber to a larger box.
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Barricaded World - Extended Erosion [b41+]
I play very advanced erosion most of the time. But I always found houses to be "too clean" so I created this mod to take erosion to the next level. Because of this, most of the houses look like abandoned shelters, and the city buildings seem to be abandoned.
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Better Towing
Initially, this mod added its own towing physics with a rope and a rigid hitch. But the developers liked this mod and they added the ability to tow to the game!
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Boredom Tweaks
Something I've found while playing Zomboid is that driving a moodle out of boredom has always been a bit frustrating. The way it works in vanilla is that every time you're indoors you get gradually bored and it's a little slower while you're reading. If you're in multiplayer and chatting, this lowers it, along with processing, since when NPCs are in the game, you will get rid of boredom if you are near them. You will also experience boredom if you sit in a car and do not move, but you will lose it when you move. Finally, you get rid of boredom if you are not a structure, and if you panic (anything more than 5 for panic levels), it immediately just sets your boredom to 0. 

Craft Helper Continued
This mod will add a "Craft Helper" item to the context menu when right clicking on any item with associated recipes. When you select this item, an interface will appear with a list of recipes that this item is part of, as well as ways to create this item.
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More Starting Gear
Gives the player a variety of tools, food, and other items when they tick the "Starting Gear" box in the sandbox settings.

Working Masks
This mod attempts to make masks (eg gas masks) affect getting diseases from corpses. It does not protect against engine exhaust inside buildings.

Authentic Animations
Edits the Emote radial menu to create animations - Hold "Q" to start!

Defecation v2.24 (Build 41mp+)
With this mod installed, players will need to defecate. It can be noisy and you'll need some toilet paper, but keeping it on for too long will only make things worse. Combine that with the zombie apocalypse and you have some interesting scenarios...
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I Don't Need A Lighter
What mod is this? So you're telling me that people can't smoke a cigarette while sitting in front of a fire or driving around in a 90s car? Well, this mod is done. You now have access to a car cigarette lighter in every car, and you can also light a cigarette on any stove or similar flame source!
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Ladders!? / Mod for stairs
Yes! Have you ever dreamed of climbing those ladders to escape the horde? Have you ever dreamed of designing your own stairs? Well, then this mod is for you!

MK's More Vanilla Throwables - Build 41.71
Items to Throw: Mugs, Water Bottle, Orange Soda Bottle, Soda Cans, Beer Can, Beer Bottle, Whiskey Bottle, Wine Bottles, Mayonnaise Bottle, Remoulade Bottle, Bleach Bottle, Can, stones.
Throwable variations slightly change the radius of the sound the zombie is attracted to and the distance it is thrown.

Immersive Overlays Retexture
This is a retexture and integration of two mods:
-Immersive Overlays
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Improved Fire & Smoke Effects
Changes the fire and smoke sprites to more realistic and detailed ones, without changing the resolution (no lags).

NRK Need Light To Read
No reading in the dark! Reading requires light.

Mod Config Menu
This mod was born out of frustration with the mod's limited options. Instead of waiting for it to eventually be updated to include the features I needed, I created a new mod config manager from scratch. 

Mod Manager
Improved mod selection window.

Mod Options (Build 41)
Allows you to customize other mods.

A new possibility to revive the same character with skills and traits. Works in multiplayer.
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Rewarding Night Combat
Do you often feel like going out at night but lack the motivation to do so? If so, then this mod is for you! Now you can earn much more experience points for your combat skills at night.
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Tsar's Common Library 2.0
Common library for Tsar's Companies.
Additional equipment for vehicles: refrigerator, stove, microwave oven, fuel tank, etc. (Code modified based on the Blair Algol Vehicle Add-ons API).

Visible Generators and Corpses / Visible generators and corpses
With this mod, generators and corpses will be visible in hands when picked up.

Slim Jim Lockout Tool
With this mod, your character can use the Slim Jim lockout tool to unlock car doors. To do this, the character must either be a burglar; have a mechanic skill level of 3 or higher; or learn a recipe from a magazine. And there's got to be a window in the door so Slim Jim can get in.
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Steam Powered Generator
Introducing the brand new Steam Powered Generator! It burns the logs, it boils the water, the steam drives the dynamo, the dynamo generates current, the current goes into the transformer, and you get this wonderful mains voltage from it.
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Sun Sensitive Zombies
This mod allows you to create different zombie behavior during the day and at night, which will change depending on the brightness level of the sun you choose!
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True Actions. Act 1 & 2 - Sitting & Lying [for MP disable anti-cheat type 12]
Added the ability to lie on beds, sofas and other suitable items (over 200 lying tiles).
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The Scent of Blood
How the mod works:

  • Bleeding, undressed wounds attract zombies to your location.
  • The smaller the wound, the less likely you are to draw attention to yourself. (Scratches only attract zombies that are very close, unlike deep bleeding wounds.
  • Every injury accumulates. Having a scratch on every part of your body will attract more zombies than one laceration on your arm.
  • Change your bandage! If your bandage gets dirty, it will attract zombies. But be careful when doing this, because removing the bandage from your wound will attract unwanted attention.
  • Having a dirty bandage is better than having an unbandaged wound (on/off option and percentage).

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Change Sandbox Options
You can change the sandbox options after starting the game.
How to use? Press the "[" key or right-click on ground to open sandbox options.

Draw On The Map - Free Hand Drawing
Draw On The Map adds a new freehand drawing tool to the game map!
This tool allows you to freely draw lines of any shape. You can customize the line weight and padding using bold full lines, thin dashed lines, and everything in between!

Wired Lamp On Pillar
This mod allows players with level 3 electricity, electrical wire and a screwdriver to turn constructed pole lamps into generator-powered devices.

"Homemade torch for the Zomboid project by Revolution".

Slippery Snow
Have you ever dreamed of inflicting more pain on your character? Does your character kneel often enough? Then this mod is for you! Now your character can slip while running Wearing boots reduces the likelihood of this happening as boots resets this to default

Recut allows you to increase or decrease the insulation, water resistance and wind resistance of all repaired items.

Realistic Weapons And Tools 

  • Weapons and tools decompose 10 times slower.
  • Ranged weapons are twice as loud by default and have 2-3 times the range. The aiming skill will increase the firing range by a maximum of 10 tiles. Example: A level 0 scope has a range of 30 tiles (vanilla 10) for a hunting rifle, this increases to 40 when they reach level 10 and an additional 20 is added with an 8x scope = 60 tiles total.
  • Everything else remains the same with ranged weapons. As a beginner, you still shoot like hell, but at least you have a tiny chance to shoot further and hit something.
  • Damage to trees/doors has been reduced by a factor of 4-6 for all woodcutting tools, and completely eliminated for most other tools (except for sledgehammers, katanas, machetes, etc.). Reduced the rate of calorie reduction when chopping trees, as it will now take longer.
  • You can attach a blowtorch and flashlights to the belt.

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The Engineer
Let's create generators, car battery chargers, blowtorches, speakers, remote controls and more. It also allows you to take everything apart and gives you a lot more options (depending on your electrical skills) for the different devices you can take apart. Everything is balanced nice and neat, so you can hone your craft with a little electrical crafting, but you'll also lose valuable material in the process. To make most dishes, you will need certain combined skills + a recipe from a magazine.

This mod also creates a REAL ENGINEER job - more expensive but comes with a high skill set and lots of recipes (also some of my actual metalworking and canning mods) + even more from magazines. There are several valuable recipes that differ only in this feature - they cannot be found anywhere else. This makes the engineer a very valuable member of your group.
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Water Goes Bad
This mod makes water still stored in sinks, tubs, etc. After turning off water that is not safe to drink after a configurable amount of time. Stand-alone water containers such as water dispensers, water storage tanks, and player-integrated sinks are not affected. This is intended to make keeping track of water consumption more fun, as with Vanilla's stocked water, the supply of plain safe water remains virtually infinite even after the water supply is turned off, so quenching your thirst becomes nothing more than a nuisance.
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Simple Fuel Storage
Can hold 50 units (5 cans) of gasoline. This is a simple mod that gives you the ability to empty gas cans into a larger storage area. You can fill/pump gas out of cars with a barrel just like you do with a regular gas can, only it has a much larger capacity - you can also pump fuel back into gas cans from a barrel.... but the bad side is that when the barrel is completely empty, it will turn into this non-drainable item, so you need to refill it from gas canisters.

Stop, Drop 'n Roll (the "Fire Self-Extinguish" Mod)!
"Stop, drop and roll" is a fire safety technique in case your clothes catch fire.
If your clothes catch fire:
STOP where you are!
DOWN to the ground and cover your nose and mouth!
Flip back and forth until the flame goes out!

Fire Damage Rebalance
Simply causes fire to deal 4x more damage to zombies and 4x less damage to players.

Rebalanced Calorie Burning
This mod increases calorie burning in the base game.
- Carrying items burns more calories.
- Sitting burns less than standing still.
This mod also adds a few sandbox options that allow you to customize your calorie burn in any state.

Fire Ignites Players Slower

  • While you are moving, there is no longer a chance that you will instantly catch fire by touching a fire tile.
  • And you won't instantly get a "burnt" status, which can cause you to limp.
  • You will first shout "Fu!", And then "Aah!" instead of turning on the ignition to warn you before turning it on.
  • Even if you do catch fire, as long as you keep moving while on fire, there is a small chance to put out the fire and remove the burning status. (This is because fire resistance resets for all players every 10 in-game minutes).

hard trapping

  • This drastically changes the high-level trap recipes and required skills, but also makes them a bit stronger.
  • Snares/stick traps are made to be slightly weaker and easier to break.
  • Once the traps are broken, you will get most of the materials back.
  • The traps will be twice as big and will attract zombies.
  • The traps are also made heavier.
  • The lure system has been reworked so that you can now use a lot more materials to trap animals.
  • Significantly reduced the total number of random animals.
  • The skill of trapping is of slightly greater importance.

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Stable Weights
This is a very simple mod that scales weight gain and loss with an adjustable factor. I was annoyed by how quickly my characters' weight changed and how demanding it seemed to maintain a healthy weight, so I decided to make this mod.

Ultimate XP Tweaker
Ultimate XP Tweaker allows you to set an XP modifier for every single skill in the game! For example, if you think that most skills increase quickly enough, but fitness and agility develop too slowly, you can only increase these skills. The multipliers used by the mod are applied appropriately on a case-by-case basis, taking into account other built-in multipliers in the game, such as the global experience multiplier, "Experience Boost", skill books, Fast Learner, Slow Learner, and Pacifist.
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Entertain Yourself
This mod satisfies the need for vanilla-friendly entertainment options. This makes some items playable and gives you a small bonus to reduce boredom. Works in both SP and MP.
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Hypothermia Kills
Vanilla hypothermia will gradually start to drain your health - it can drop to very low levels, but it won't kill you. There are two versions of the mod:
- Main version  - adds a finishing touch to the end to kill you. This happens randomly, so it can take from 10 minutes to several hours (in-game time). This only becomes dangerous when you already have health, previously depleted by the vanilla hypothermia system. In my opinion, this is still quite difficult to achieve. You really would have to be in the cold for a long time without any chance of catching fire or getting inside anywhere.
- Hard version- starts randomly depleting health every 10 in-game minutes if you have freeze/hypothermia mode, AND ONLY if your overall health is already below 15. This ensures that returning from the cold won't be as quick as you also have to go through a phase freezing. If your temperature rises to "Cold", then you are free, and even if the level of health is below 15, you will not receive additional loss of health. It also adds another dimension to this if you already had somewhat very poor health. I personally suggest this version.
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Zombies scream with both a real sound and a hidden attraction sound that other zombies can "hear". Video
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Health Plus
This mod removes the need for more complex and long term injury and addiction systems. Some complications can arise easily, while others require more time, "luck" and specific circumstances. Works in both SP and MP and can be added to existing saves.
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Dynamic Mining
You can find several types of ore traces in the dense forest, when collected, they will automatically move from your bag to the ground where you are standing, and then, upon further exploration, they will turn into randomized ore deposits. These deposits are heavy and cannot be moved. Works in both SP and MP and can be added/removed mid game.
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zRe Better Lockpicking ReMod by kERHUS
Original mod: Better lockpicking by Aiteron and YingSuHuaKai, all honors and applause to them!
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Stronger Furniture barricades
Adds the ability to customize the performance of mobile furniture.
Player-built structures are not affected, but work well with this mod.

Stronger Walls And Barricades [B41]
Player-built furniture, containers and walls now have about 3-5 times more health, and barricades have even more hit points/last longer. This works for all playstyles and tasks without having to adjust the Sandbox Structural Strength setting.

Existing/built furniture, containers, walls and barricades will not have updated statistics! You will either have to rebuild or fix something in your current saves or start a new game in order for all the stats to update correctly. Indestructible log walls may be an exception to this rule
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Immersive Hunting
A dynamic and addictive hunting mod that allows you to look for animal tracks and then track and hunt them. It uses a foraging system combined with skill, player traits, weather, luck and mood, once you find and pick up the tracks, they will appear in front of you on the ground from where you can continue to investigate and track the progress of the game (you cannot take footprints with you and forced to hunt where you mined / researched them. They will disappear after 3 days if not used for hunting). Works in both SP and MP and can be added/removed mid game.
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Manik's a Decade
Later Retexture", applying coarser textures to most objects in the world. There are two variations of this mod, please only use one at a time. The vanilla + grime version uses all the tiles by default, but gives them a weathered texture. There are several tiles in Manik's Tiles + grime , which have been redesigned with 90s American style ads or designs to match the theme of the game.Again, please only select one at a time.Both are safe to save files and can be disabled or replaced at any time without problems.There is currently no retexturing of vehicles, but I really intend to do it in the future.Finally, I want to thank everyone for the support, initially this mod was just a fun project that I started for a friend's server,but it exploded and I appreciate all of you for that!

Enhanced Environment

  • Posters, wall photos, air vents, water damage, small cracks, boxes, children's art, and electrical outlets SHALL APPEAR RANDOMLY (in a realistic manner and at a certain frequency) as wall overlays.
  • Electrical sockets can be dismantled and replaced with wires. Boxes can be searched, and there may be some things in them. Other small items such as bottles, sheets, and trash calendars/posters can be thrown away, or they may turn out to be something slightly useful, like a magazine or cleaning fluid.
  • Small family photos and flags can be found in civilian homes as loot (rare).
  • Posters, wall photos, flags and other photographs can be taken and placed wherever you want.
  • Various homemade paper and wooden signs (will not spawn).
  • EXTRA: 4 different types of ovens for crafting.
  • Added a second version of the mod with no overlays at all - just flags, photos and posters that can be found as loot, and signs that can be crafted.
  • It's safe to add in the middle of a game, but this only creates overlays on regions that haven't been visited yet.
  • Works in both SP and MP.
Basements (underground) 1 MB

Basements (underground)

04 Nov 2022
4 682

Whether you're looking to make your own hideout, pantry, or trendy underground living room, we've all wanted to have a basement in PZ at one time or another. This mod brings them into the game in a completely customizable way!

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