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You drive, I sleep  

Upload: 05 Aug 2022, 13:28
Created by: Chuckleberry Finn [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
You drive, I sleep
Be able to sleep while someone else is driving.

Only to be used for long romantic road-trips with the bros.

This is a compliment-mod for mods that
allow for quick independent sleeping in MP.

Or if you like roleplaying and black screens.

Item Remover

Item Remover

09 Aug 2022
1 272

This mod takes another approach to nerfing loot. Instead of nerfing the loot distribution tables, this mod checks for a chance to remove items after a container has spawned its loot.

Sun Sensitive Zombies

Sun Sensitive Zombies

24 Nov 2022
1 153

Another take on Night/Day zombies! One of my nit picks with the night/day mods I've tried thus far, is the timing of the lore shift from day to night isn't always accurate year-round. Sometimes the zeds will start sprinting hours before or sometimes even hours after it gets dark!

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