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Zombie Killer僵尸杀手  

Upload: 09 Aug 2022, 07:05
Created by: 陈吉思汗 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Zombie Killer僵尸杀手

This mod mainly realizes the following functions: providing a faster way to kill zombies, more convenient storage of goods, and more convenient access to food; You can destroy zombies and make various items by tearing up the clothes of zombies. By hammering metal ornaments into weapons such as guns. It can also process corpses into meat and ferment into oil and natural gas. In addition, 9 new weapons, 12 kinds of clothes, 3 kinds of food, and many kinds of making menus (more convenient) project Zomboids a game that makes your blood spurt. This mod also makes you excited.

You can make anything you want from the zombie,The more zombies kill, the richer and stronger you are.We have provided various weapons and props for hunting zombies.But we still need to pay attention to safety. I wish you a prosperous future

We provide a faster way to kill zombies, more convenient storage of goods, and more convenient access to food!



01 Aug 2022

Just a small mod we made with my friend to set up a RP for no zombie respawn. Inspired from idiocracy, you wake up from a long sleep in a base out of nowhere, and you have no idea what hapenned.

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