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First Person Perspective (BETA) v0.8  

Upload: 21 Jul 2023, 04:15
Created by: elsuperaguas [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
First Person Perspective (BETA) v0.8

I set most of the cameras to follow Leon's bone called head thus you will have a first person view.

Install first "Fluffy Mod Manager" which is required to install this mod and the ones below, there are videos on how to use it in Youtube. 

You need:
1. "Headless Leon" mod so you don't see inside Leon's head.
2. "Laser for every handgun" to fix the misalign of the crosshair.
3. "Invisible Weird Headgears" so you don't see the accessories.
Also install "Headless Main Characters" if you want to play as Ashley or The Mercenaries.
Links in the Requirements tab.

The FOV(Field Of View) is set to 60 degrees generally but you can change it manually with REFramework (you can also find it on nexus)
Once you installed REFramework you can also install Third Person Camera Controller to have more freedom and also adjust the camera offset (this won't fix the reticle misalignment) and 'disable the action camera' which is the one that forces the camera to move when performing a stealth kill for example.

The Mod is not complete so please DO NOT bug it but instead post a comment or image saying what I can improve of it.

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