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HDT-SMP (Skinned Mesh Physics) v2.11  

Upload: 05 Dec 2023, 17:24
Created by: hydrogensaysHDT [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
HDT-SMP (Skinned Mesh Physics) v2.11

HDT-SMP is an skse plugin allowing more advanced physics interactions to be applied to actors via configuration files. This plugin's original author, hydrogensaysHDT, has retired from Skyrim modding and released the source code for the plugin under a MIT license, allowing people to continue their work and update the plugin for future versions. This upload is an attempt to consolidate community fixes for the plugin under a single fork, which can be found here.

Requires XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended (SE)

MCM Helper v1.4.0 3.2MB

MCM Helper v1.4.0

11 May 2023

Simplifies the creation of Mod Configuration Menus and extends them with powerful new features, such as persistent INI settings and hotkey registration. Mod authors will be able to write simpler, cleaner Papyrus scripts for their configs. Players will be able to spend less time in menus.

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